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Modern Microscopic Approaches to Astrocytes

Morita, Mitsuhiro 森田, 光洋 モリタ, ミツヒロ 神戸大学



Microscopy started as the histological analysis based on intrinsic optical properties of tissues such as the refractive index and light absorption, and is expanding to include the visualization of organelles by chemical staining, localization of molecules by immunostaining, physiological measurements such as Ca²⁺ imaging, functional manipulation by optogenetics, and comprehensive analysis of chemical composition by Raman spectra. The microscope is one of the most important tools in neuroscience, which aims to reveal the complex intercellular communications underlying brain function and pathology. Many aspects of astrocytes, including the structures of their fine processes and physiological activities in concert with neurons and blood vessels, were revealed in the course of innovations in modern microscopy. The evolution of modern microscopy is a consequence of breakthroughs in spatiotemporal resolutions and expansions in molecular and physiological targets due to the progress in optics and information technology, as well as the inventions of probes using organic chemistry and molecular biology. This review overviews the modern microscopic approach to astrocytes.





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