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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「N-acylated Rab5b GTPase and Downstream Binding Proteins Regulate Specific Membrane Traffic in Blood-stage Malaria Parasites」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




N-acylated Rab5b GTPase and Downstream Binding Proteins Regulate Specific Membrane Traffic in Blood-stage Malaria Parasites

多久, 和泉 筑波大学



Newly synthesized secretory proteins are transported from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) via the Golgi apparatus to be delivered to plasma membrane. Sar1 GTPase plays a critical role as a molecular switch for the cargo sorting at the ER. Arf and Rab GTPases regulate protein transport at the Golgi apparatus. All small GTPases are activated by a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), and activated GTPases recruit specific effectors to regulate downstream reaction. These discoveries are mainly reported from human and yeast, and findings from protozoan parasite has been limited.

 Plasmodium parasites, the causative agents of malaria, export hundreds of parasite proteins toward host erythrocytes membrane. Many of exported proteins possess a conserved Plasmodium export element (PEXEL), whereas PEXEL negative proteins (PNEPs) are also exported. Currently, how small GTPases regulate the transport of export proteins remains poorly understood.

 N-acylated Rab5 isotype, called Rab5b, localizes at adjacent to the ER and regulates export of Plasmodium falciparum adenylate kinase 2 (PfAK2), which is one of PNEPs and possesses N-acylation. To elucidate the mechanism how PfRab5b regulates the export of PfAK2, three candidates of PfRab5b binding proteins have been isolated: PfArf1, PfRab1b, and Arf1 GEF, PfSec7. In this study, I characterized the role of three candidate proteins on the cargo selection in Plasmodium.

 First, sub-cellular localization of Sec7 was analyzed. I used rodent malaria parasite P. berghei with the advantage of genetic recombination into chromosomes. PbSec7 formed dimer in the parasite cytosol, and specific amino acids required for the dimerization were conserved in PbSec7. Although Arf1, Rab1b and Sec7 are localized to the Golgi in other organisms, PbSec7 was localized to the close to the ER. Colocalization of PbSec7 with PbRab5b or PbArf1 were also observed. These results were the first report from P. berghei. Next, detailed localization of Arf1 and Rab1b was observed in P. falciparum. A super- resolution microgram revealed that the ER marker PfBiP was located closer to PfArf1 than to PfRab1b, suggesting that the two GTPases localized to different ER subdomains. The expression of an active or inactive PfArf1 mutant specifically inhibited the export of PfAK2 to the parasitophorous vacuole membrane, while expression of the inactive PfArf1 or PfRab1b mutant decreased the export of PEXEL-positive Rifin. These results suggest that PfArf1 is extensively involved in the transport of PfAK2, and PfArf1 and PfRab1b are involved in the transport of Rifin, indicating the sequential roles of PfArf1 and PfRab1b in cargo selection.

 This work is the first report on the cargo selection on the different ER subdomain by three GTPase, PfRab5b, PfArf1 and PfRab1b, via Sec7, and is unique to Plasmodium spp. My findings also indicated the diversity of trafficking system mediated by Rab GTPases in eukaryotes.



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