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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「UV Parasol, Dry-Mist Spraying, and Street Trees as Tools for Heat Stress Mitigation」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




UV Parasol, Dry-Mist Spraying, and Street Trees as Tools for Heat Stress Mitigation

日下, 博幸 中村, 祐輔 ASANO, Yuki 筑波大学



Ultraviolet (UV) parasols are a reasonable countermeasure against heat stress as they are portable and inex- pensive. This study compared the heat stress mitigation effect of a UV parasol with that of street trees and dry- mist spraying on a hot and humid summer day in Japan. We observed meteorological elements and calculated the universal thermal climate index (UTCI) and wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT) under UV parasol, street trees, dry-mist spraying, and direct sunlight. The observed UTCI and WBGT under the UV parasol were lower than those in direct sunlight by 4.4°C and 1.3°C, respectively, because of the decrease in black-globe temperature caused by the reduced downward shortwave radiation. This demonstrated that UV parasol reduced heatstroke risk by one level. The effect of the UV parasol was ≥ 75 % of that of the street trees from the perspective of UTCI. The street trees reduced the UTCI and WBGT by 5.9°C and 1.9°C, respectively, compared with those in direct sunlight, resulting in the reduction of heatstroke risk by one level. In contrast, dry-mist spraying did not mitigate heat stress in conditions with moderate winds. Although the results of this study were obtained from observations on a single day, comparison with earlier studies confirms that the values observed in this study are representative results on summer days in Japan.



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