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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Japan's south foehn on the Toyama Plain: Dynamical or thermodynamical mechanisms?」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Japan's south foehn on the Toyama Plain: Dynamical or thermodynamical mechanisms?

日下, 博幸 Nishi, Akifumi Kakinuma, Ai ドアン, グアン ヴァン Onodera, Taira Endo, Shuhei 筑波大学



Japanese society has recently taken a greater interest in foehn warming because it has caused record-breaking high temperatures and sudden dam- age to rice crops. This is the first comprehensive climatological study focused on Japan's south foehn, which blows across the Toyama Plain in the Hokuriku region. Climatological analyses, including an objective self- organizing map and subjective analysis of 198 south foehn cases, revealed that ~68.2% of the foehns occurred while an extratropical cyclone was pass- ing through the Sea of Japan. Approximately 19.7% of the remaining foehns blew while an anticyclone covered Japan. Only 5.1% of all foehns occurred during a typhoon, but very high temperatures occurred when typhoons were approaching. Foehns were observed in all seasons but tended to blow more often in spring, when there are many migratory anticyclones and cyclones. Most of the foehns begin at night and end or pause during the day. This is due to the removal of the nocturnal stable layer and the development of a local daytime pressure gradient on the lee side. The dynamical mechanism provides the primary explanation for Japan's south foehn. Surprisingly, the foehns with precipitation on windward mountains slopes accounted for only~19.2% of all cases, with ~40.0% being typhoon cases. Most of these are likely of multiple type; a pure thermodynamical type of foehn is a rare occurrence. Numerical simulations and back trajectory analyses for 76 selected foehn cases revealed that the majority of the air parcels origi- nated from the south and passed straight over the Hida Highlands, between two mountain ranges, as a hybrid type of gap and foehn winds.



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