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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Development of RNA informatics for RNA sequence and structure analysis (本文)」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Development of RNA informatics for RNA sequence and structure analysis (本文)

秋山, 真那斗 慶應義塾大学



Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) that are not translated into proteins were formerly considered as junk regions. However, various functions have been revealed in recent years ranging from development and cell differentiation processes to cause of diseases. Elucidation of ncRNA structural information is an indispensable step for understanding the function of ncRNA through RNA informatics, which is information science for RNA molecules. However, existing methods to obtain structural information of RNAs are not accurate, and the development of better methods is an active field of study. In this dissertation, I set out to develop more accurate methods for two different use cases: RNA secondary structure prediction and RNA sequence embedding. The background necessary for the explanation of these methods is given in Chapter 1.

 The first method in this dissertation focuses on the development of a highly accurate RNA secondary structure prediction algorithm. Since the functions of ncRNAs are believed to be closely related to the structures of ncRNAs, it is possible to infer their biological functions from their structures. A popular approach for predicting RNA secondary structure is the thermodynamic nearest- neighbor model that finds a thermodynamically most stable secondary structure with minimum free energy (MFE). An alternative approach based on machine learning has been developed that can employ a fine-grained model that includes much richer feature representations. Rich feature representation is achieved by modeling more detailed substructures for RNA secondary structure. Although the machine learning-based fine-grained model achieved extremely high performance in prediction accuracy, the possibility of the risk of overfitting has been reported. In Chapter 2 of this dissertation, I propose a novel algorithm for RNA secondary structure prediction that integrates both the thermodynamic approach and the machine learning-based weighted approach. My benchmark showed that my algorithm achieved the best prediction accuracy compared with existing methods and resolved heavy overfitting.

 "Embedding" is a popular technique that vectorizes DNA sequences and amino acid sequences, and is known to be useful for detecting DNA sequence motifs and predicting protein functions but embedding for RNA sequences has not been developed so far. In Chapter 3 of the dissertation, I showcase the development of a pre-training algorithm with the aim of acquiring an embedded vector of an RNA sequence that contains abundant structural information and sequence context information. Finally, to verify the quality of embedding, I performed two basic RNA informatics tasks (structural alignment and gene clustering), and in the process, achieved greater accuracy than existing state-of- the-art methods.

 To conclude, I have succeeded in obtaining effective analytical methods of ncRNA using two approaches: RNA secondary structure prediction and RNA sequence vectorization. Each approach can be applied to analysis in all fields of RNA informatics including RNA-protein interaction and RNA-RNA interaction and can be expected to have a large spillover effect. In Chapter 4, the conclusions of this dissertation and the ripple effects are described in detail.


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