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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Regulation of CLB expression by the cytoplasmic deadenylase Ccr4 through their coding and 3´ UTR regions」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Regulation of CLB expression by the cytoplasmic deadenylase Ccr4 through their coding and 3´ UTR regions




RNA stability control contributes to the proper expression of gene products. Messenger RNAs (mRNAs) in eukaryotic cells possess a 5´ cap structure and the 3´ poly(A) tail which are important for mRNA stability and efficient translation. Ccr4-Not complex is a major cytoplasmic deadenylase and functions in mRNA degradation. The CLB1-6 genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae encode B-type cyclins which are involved in the cell cycle progression together with the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdc28. The CLB genes consist of CLB1/2, CLB3/4, and CLB5/6 whose gene products accumulate at the G2-M phase, S-G2 phase and S phase, respectively. These Clb protein levels are thought to be mainly regulated by the transcriptional control and the protein stability control Here, I investigated regulation of expression of CLB genes by the cytoplasmic deadenylase Ccr4.

Results show that all CLB1-6 mRNA levels were significantly increased in the ccr4Δ mutant compared to those in wild-type cells. Next, there was an increase in CLB6 mRNA level on synchronous cell culture in the ccr4Δ and a delay on half-life degradation of mRNA. Comparing the protein levels, Clb1 4 and 6 protein levels were slightly increased in the ccr4Δ mutant, but the Clb2 3 and 5 protein levels were similar to wild- type cells. Since both CLB6 mRNA and protein levels were most clearly increased in the ccr4Δ mutant, I further analyzed the cis-elements for the Ccr4-mediated regulation within CLB6 mRNA. I found that there were destabilizing sequences in both coding sequence and 3´ untranslated region (3´ UTR). The destabilizing sequences in the coding region were found to be both within and outside the sequences corresponding the cyclin domain. The CLB6 coding region influence the mRNA stability while the 3´ UTR affect both the mRNA stability and translation efficiency in a Puf5-independent manner. Also, Whi3 interacts with CLB6 mRNA suggesting the possibility of being a regulatory-binding protein.

These data further suggest that Ccr4 plays a rate-limiting role on post- transcriptional regulation of CLB expression. And the significance of CLB6 coding region and 3´ UTR on its gene regulation.


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