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リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




A global-scale screening of non-native aquatic organisms to identify potentially invasive species under current and future climate conditions

Vilizzi, Lorenzo Copp, Gordon H. Hill, Jeffrey E. Adamovich, Boris Aislabie, Luke Akin, Daniel Al-Faisal, Abbas J. Almeida, David Azmai, M. N. Amal Bakiu, Rigers Bellati, Adriana Bernier, Renee Bies, Jason M. Bilge, Gokcen Branco, Paulo Bui, Thuyet D. Canning-Clode, Joao Cardoso Ramos, Henrique Anatole Castellanos-Galindo, Gustavo A. Castro, Nuno Chaichana, Ratcha Chainho, Paula Chan, Joleen Cunico, Almir M. Curd, Amelia Dangchana, Punyanuch Dashinov, Dimitriy Davison, Phil, I Mariele P. de Camargo Dodd, Jennifer A. Donahou, Allison L. Durland Edsman, Lennart Ekmekci, F. Guler Elphinstone-Davis, Jessica Eros, Tibor Evangelista, Charlotte Fenwick, Gemma Ferincz, Arpad Ferreira, Teresa Feunteun, Eric Filiz, Halit Forneck, Sandra C. Gajduchenko, Helen S. Monteiro, Joao Gama Gestoso, Ignacio Giannetto, Daniela Gilles, Allan S., Jr. Gizzi, Francesca Glamuzina, Branko Glamuzina, Luka Goldsmit, Jesica Gollasch, Stephan Goulletquer, Philippe Grabowska, Joanna Harmer, Rogan Haubrock, Phillip J. He, Dekui Hean, Jeffrey W. Herczeg, Gabor Howland, Kimberly L. Ilhan, Ali Interesova, Elena Jakubcinova, Katarina Jelmert, Anders Johnsen, Stein, I Kakareko, Tomasz Kanongdate, Kamalaporn Killi, Nurcin Kim, Jeong-Eun Kirankaya, Serife Gulsun Knazovicka, Dominika Kopecky, Oldrich Kostov, Vasil Koutsikos, Nicholas Kozic, Sebastian Kuljanishvili, Tatia Kumar, Biju Kumar, Lohith Kurita, Yoshihisa 栗田, 喜久 クリタ, ヨシヒサ Kurtul, Irmak Lazzaro, Lorenzo Lee, Laura Lehtiniemi, Maiju Leonardi, Giovanni Leuven, Rob S. E. W. Li, Shan Lipinskaya, Tatsiana Liu, Fei Lloyd, Lance Lorenzoni, Massimo Luna, Sergio Alberto Lyons, Timothy J. Magellan, Kit Malmstrom, Martin Marchini, Agnese Marr, Sean M. Masson, Gerard Masson, Laurence McKenzie, Cynthia H. Memedemin, Daniyar Mendoza, Roberto Minchin, Dan Miossec, Laurence Moghaddas, Seyed Daryoush Moshobane, Moleseng C. Mumladze, Levan Naddafi, Rahmat Najafi-Majd, Elnaz Nastase, Aurel Navodaru, Ion Neal, J. Wesley Nienhuis, Sarah Nimtim, Matura Nolan, Emma T. Occhipinti-Ambrogi, Anna Ojaveer, Henn Olenin, Sergej Olsson, Karin Onikura, Norio 鬼倉, 徳雄 オニクラ, ノリオ O'Shaughnessy, Kathryn Paganelli, Daniele Parretti, Paola Patoka, Jiri Jr, Richard Thomas B. Pavia Pellitteri-Rosa, Daniele Pelletier-Rousseau, Michele Peralta, Elfritzson M. Perdikaris, Costas Pietraszewski, Dariusz Piria, Marina Pitois, Sophie Pompei, Laura Poulet, Nicolas Preda, Cristina Puntila-Dodd, Riikka Qashqaei, Ali T. Radocaj, Tena Rahmani, Hossein Raj, Smrithy Reeves, David Ristovska, Milica Rizevsky, Viktor Robertson, D. Ross Robertson, Peter Ruykys, Laura Sab, Abdulwakil. O Santos, Jose M. Sari, Hasan M. Segurado, Pedro Semenchenko, Vitaliy Senanan, Wansuk Simard, Nathalie Simonovic, Predrag Skora, MichalE Svolikova, Kristina Slovak Smeti, Evangelia Smidova, Tereza Spelic, Ivan Srebaliene, Greta Stasolla, Gianluca Stebbing, Paul Stevove, Barbora Suresh, Vettath R. Szajbert, Bettina Ta, Kieu Anh T. Tarkan, Ali Serhan Tempesti, Jonathan Therriault, Thomas W. Tidbury, Hannah J. Top-Karakus, Nildeniz Tricarico, Elena Troca, DeboraF A. Tsiamis, Konstantinos Tuckett, Quenton M. Tutman, Pero Uyan, Umut Uzunova, Eliza Vardakas, Leonidas Velle, Gaute Verreycken, Hugo Vintsek, Lizaveta Wei, Hui Weiperth, Andras Wey, Olaf L. F. Winter, Emily R. Wlodarczyk, Radoslaw Wood, Louisa E. Yang, Ruibin Yapici, Sercan Yeo, Shayne S. B. Yogurtcuoglu, Baran Yunnie, Anna L. E. Zhu, Yunjie Zieba, Grzegorz Zitnanova, Kristina Clarke, Stacey 九州大学



The threat posed by invasive non-native species worldwide requires a global approach to identify which introduced species are likely to pose an elevated risk of impact to native species and ecosystems



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