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Kato, Ryo 加藤, 亮 カトウ, リョウ 神戸大学



An ultralight scalar field is a candidate for the dark matter. The Pulsar Timing Array offers a unique opportunity to search for the ultralight scalar field with mass around 10−23 eV. The dark matter makes up about 30 percent of the cosmic components, and the detection is very important. In particular, the ultralight scalar dark matter can solve the core-cusp problem of galactic halos.

We search for the ultralight scalar dark matter using the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves 11-year Data Set. We give the 95% confidence upper limit for the energy density of the ultralight scalar dark matter near the Earth. In comparison with the published upper limits on the ultralight scalar dark matter using the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array 12-year data set (Porayko et al. 2018), we find three times stronger upper limit in the mass range from 9.45 × 10−24 to 1.34 × 10−23 eV. In terms of the energy density of the dark matter, we find that the energy density near the Earth is less than 7 GeV/cm3 in the range from 5.83 × 10−24 to 2.02 × 10−23 eV. The strongest upper limit on the the energy density is given by 2 GeV/cm3 at a mass 1.09 × 10−23 eV.


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