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Auxin signaling is essential for organogenesis but not for cell survival in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha

Suzuki, Hidemasa Kato, Hirotaka Iwano, Megumi Nishihama, Ryuichi Kohchi, Takayuki 京都大学 DOI:10.1093/plcell/koac367



Auxin plays pleiotropic roles in plant development via gene regulation upon its perception by the receptors TRANSPORT INHIBITOR RESPONSE 1/AUXIN SIGNALING F-BOX (TIR1/AFBs). This auxin-regulated transcriptional control mechanism originated in the common ancestor of land plants. Although the complete loss of TIR1/AFBs causes embryonic lethality in Arabidopsis thaliana, it is unclear whether the requirement for TIR1-mediated auxin perception in cell viability can be generalized. The model liverwort Marchantia polymorpha has a minimal auxin signaling system with only a single TIR1/AFB, MpTIR1. Here we show by genetic, biochemical, and transcriptomic analyses that MpTIR1 functions as an evolutionarily conserved auxin receptor. Null mutants and conditionally knocked-out mutants of MpTIR1 were viable but incapable of forming any organs and grew as cell masses. Principal component analysis performed using transcriptomes at various developmental stages indicated that MpTIR1 is involved in the developmental transition from spores to organized thalli, during which apical notches containing stem cells are established. In Mptir1 cells, stem cell- and differentiation-related genes were up- and downregulated, respectively. Our findings suggest that, in M. polymorpha, auxin signaling is dispensable for cell division but is essential for three-dimensional patterning of the plant body by establishing pluripotent stem cells for organogenesis, a derived trait of land plants.


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Supplemental Figure S6. Responses of NAA-responsive

genes to IAA and 2,4-D.

Supplemental Figure S7. Responses of 2,4-D-responsive

genes to IAA and NAA.

Supplemental Figure S8. GO terms enriched in genes that

responded to NAA in an MpTIR1-independent manner.

Supplemental Figure S9. Growth of Mptir1-1ko mutants.

Supplemental Figure S10. Generation and genotyping of

MpTIR1-locus deletion mutants.

Supplemental Figure S11. Reproducibility of Mptir1 de­

fects in Mptir1ld mutants.

Supplemental Figure S12. Contribution of auxin-responsive

genes to the transcriptional properties of Mptir1-1ko cells.

Supplemental Figure S13. Transcriptional changes of

genes related to auxin biosynthesis and signaling in spores,

sporelings, and thalli.

Supplemental Figure S14. MpTIR1 is expressed before the

establishment of the 3D body axes.

Supplemental Data Set 1. Pairwise comparisons between

auxin- and mock-treated samples in WT or Mptir1-1ko cells.

Supplemental Data Set 2. Pairwise comparisons between

2,4-D- and mock-treated WT thalli.

Supplemental Data Set 3. Genes that responded to NAA

in Mptir1-1ko cells.

Supplemental Data Set 4. GO terms enriched in genes up­

regulated by NAA-treatment in Mptir1-1ko cells.

Supplemental Data Set 5. GO terms enriched in genes

downregulated by NAA-treatment in Mptir1-1ko cells.

Supplemental Data Set 6. Pairwise comparisons between

Mptir1-1ko cells and WT samples.

Supplemental Data Set 7. IDs and names of auxin biosyn­

thesis genes, auxin signaling genes, and transcription factors

(TFs) in M. polymorpha.

Supplemental Data Set 8. Oligos used in this study.

Supplemental Data Set 9. Summary of statistical analyses

Supplemental Data Set 10. Public RNA-seq data used in

this study.

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