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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「重度精神障害者に対する生活行為向上マネジメントを用いた訪問作業療法の効果:多施設共同ランダム化比較試験」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。





Mashimo, Izumi 真下, いずみ マシモ, イズミ 神戸大学



Aim: Effective intervention is necessary for improving the social functioning of patients with severe mental illness (SMI). We examined the effects of home-visit occupational therapy (OT) using a Management Tool for Daily Life Performance (MTDLP) that was designed to support patients in completing their desired daily life activities. The control group were treated by home-visit OT without using MTDLP.

Method: In this multicenter randomized controlled trial, 60 participants included adults aged 18–65 with an ICD-10 diagnosis of F2 (i.e., schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders) or F3 (i.e., mood [affective] disorders) and who utilized one of the 20 psychiatric outreach teams in Japan. Participants were randomly assigned into two groups: MTDLP (n = 29), control (n = 31). Home-visit OT was provided to both groups, once a week, for four months. A repeated-measures analysis of variance was conducted to compare changes in participants’ social functioning using the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) and the Social Functioning Scale (SFS).

Results: The GAF scores of the MTDLP group improved significantly greater than those of the control group. No significant change in SFS total scores was found between the groups; however, the Employment/Occupation scores (an SFS subscale) of the MTDLP group significantly improved compared to the controls.

Conclusion: These findings suggest that MTDLP can increase the social functioning of people with SMI more so than controls. Thus, home-visit OT using MTDLP that is intensively focused on the patient's desires and implemented in the real-world environment appears to contribute to improvements in social functioning.

Keywords: Activities of daily living, Home-visit, Occupational therapy, Randomized controlled trial, Severe mental illness, Social functioning.


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