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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「誘導パルス電圧と磁化過程の測定によるWiegandワイヤの磁気特性の解明」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。





杨 超 横浜国立大学 DOI:info:doi/10.18880/00014612



Internet of Things (IoT) is an important part of the new-generation information technology. It provides technical guarantees for improvements in the quality of human life and development of society. However, the power supply required for the monitoring, connecting, and interactive devices in the IoT, for providing real-time collection and control, has become a factor restricting its development.

In this study, a Wiegand sensor (often used for energy harvesting) is proposed as a battery-less sensor or self-powered device, with an objective to mitigate the power supply problem in the monitoring, connecting, and interactive devices. When the Wiegand sensor is used as a power source, it can not only effectively charge devices equipped with batteries, thereby prolonging their battery life, but also provide power to devices without internal batteries, thereby solving problems concerning difficult power supplies and wiring. Thus, the devices used for monitoring, connection, and interaction in the IoT can achieve maintenance-free and long-term operation. Accordingly, Wiegand sensors are expected to be widely used for IoT technologies.

As the magnetic structure of a Wiegand wire cannot be elucidated using a traditional hysteresis curve, in this study, a first-order reversal curve (FORC) was used to analyze the magnetic characteristics of the Wiegand wire. The magnetization reversal of the soft and hard regions in the wire was identified in the FORC diagrams. The two-layer magnetic structure (without marked boundaries) was clarified. In addition, the magnetization reversal of the intermediate layer was discussed. The relationship between the magnetization process of the Wiegand wires and their magnetic structure was obtained. The electrical power of the pulse signal from the Wiegand sensor was maximized as the power supply for the electronic modules so that the energy of the Wiegand sensor pulse signal could meet power consumption requirements. This research, through magnetic-flux guidance experiments on the Wiegand wire, determined that the magnetic flux density through the center of the Wiegand wire, position of the pickup coil, and angle between the Wiegand sensor and magnetic induction line were the main factors affecting the energy of a Wiegand pulse. The relationships between these factors and the energy of the Wiegand pulse were also obtained. Moreover, in this process, an appropriate configuration of the Wiegand wire was identified for when the Wiegand sensor was used as a power source, i.e., in addition to the necessary pickup coil, ferrite beads should be set at both ends of the Wiegand wire. In addition to the external conditions, the energy of the Wiegand pulse was found to be closely related to its own magnetization characteristics.

To further analyze the magnetic characteristics of the Wiegand wire under different excitation magnetic fields, this study considered three typical magnetic fields, i.e., those produced by a rotating magnet with radial magnetization, by a pair of rotating bar magnets with axial magnetization, and by a solenoid coil with AC current. The amplitude, area, and timing of the induced pulse voltage from a pickup coil placed along the Wiegand wire were analyzed. It was found that the energy of the Wiegand pulse depends on the degree of magnetization reversal of the soft layer in the Wiegand wire. Both the initialization and maximum degree of magnetization reversal in the soft layer are detected at the position with the strongest magnetic field. The direction of magnetization reversal propagation is along the direction in which the intensity of the externally applied magnetic field decreases. The velocity of the domain wall movement is faster when the ferrite beads are added to both ends of the Wiegand wire.

Therefore, the magnetic characteristics of a Wiegand wire can be elucidated according to its induced pulse voltage and magnetization measurements, and Wiegand sensors can be designed according to different applications. In particular, when the Wiegand sensors are used as a battery-less sensor or self-powered device, the maximum energy of a single Wiegand pulse can be obtained according to these magnetic characteristics, so as to meet the power consumption requirements of the IoT devices. This is a major research achievement in the field of electronics.



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