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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Sedative activities of essential oils from Beninese medicinal plants via inhalation administration and structure-activity relationships of their active compounds」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Sedative activities of essential oils from Beninese medicinal plants via inhalation administration and structure-activity relationships of their active compounds

DOUGNON, GODFRIED TCHETONNOUGBO 京都大学 DOI:10.14989/doctor.k23831



In evolutionary terms, humans have greatly benefited from plants and their secondary metabolites. Since the dawn of humanity, plants have served as a source of food for human and animals, fibers for clothes and medication for human ailments. In the great diversity of the plant kingdom, essential oils have particularly attracted much attention recently. They are complex mixtures of hydrocarbons and oxygenated hydrocarbons produced by glandular trichomes and other secretory structures, principally found in leaves and flowers. They have served for a long time in many traditional healing systems and recent studies have proved their antioxidant, antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, sedative, anxiolytic and antidepressant activities. Africa is rich in many plant species, and especially in towns and rural villages of the Republic of Benin, traditional healers and market herbalists believe that fragrant species can be of interest through their sedative or sleep promoting activity. However, these species are still undocumented and the scientific evidence of their activity remains unclear.

In the present study, we have investigated the essential oils from 3 plant species collected in the Republic of Benin, namely Lantana camara L., Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants and Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M.King & H.Rob., for their sedative, anxiolytic or antidepressant activities when administered via inhalation to mice. In addition, the chemical composition of each essential oil was investigated and the compounds responsible for activities were identified. Further, we conducted a quantitative structure activity relationships activity analysis of selected sesquiterpenes using their absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity (ADMET) properties to predict their sedative activity on the CNS.

In Chapter 1, we present the sleep promoting effects of 3 plant species from the Republic of Benin. First, we investigated the chemical composition of essential oil from the leaves of L. camara (LCEO), evaluated its sedative effects in mice via inhalation administration, and identified the compounds responsible for activity. The results indicated that via inhalation administration, sabinene (38.81%) and 1,8-cineole (28.90%) were the main compounds in cause for the sedative activity of LCEO. Thus, they could be considered as promising candidates for the management CNS-associated diseases. Second, we analyzed the chemical composition of the essential oil from the leaves of D. ambrosioides (DAEO), and its sleep-promoting effects via inhalation administration in ddY mice. Ascaridole (35.52%) and p-cymene (47.16%) were the major components, and both compounds were evaluated for sedative activity by using the caffeine-treated excitatory mouse model. They were highly effective in decreasing locomotor activity of excited mice by more than 50%. Further investigations indicated that the GABAergic system mediates the sedative effect. The results further extend the knowledge on their use as potential, promising natural products for the management of sleep disorders and CNS-related ailments. Last, essential oil from the leaves of C. odorata (COEO) was investigated for its sedative activity in mice. The results showed that COEO significantly reduced mice locomotor activity and analysis of chemical composition of the oil indicated that caryophyllene oxide (43.75%) was the major compound. In order to understand the action mechanisms, caryophyllene oxide was tested for its effects on the CNS by using a caffeine pre-excited mice test and a pentobarbital sleeping-induced test in mice. The results demonstrated that caryophyllene oxide is a CNS-depressant; however, it does not operate via the GABAergic receptor system. Its precursor, β-caryophyllene, was also investigated and it demonstrated a similar pattern of sedative activity. We believe these results further extend actual knowledge on these naturally occurring sesquiterpenes.

In Chapter 2, we wanted to further understand the activities of monoterpene 1,8-cineole identified in L. camara, which demonstrated a novel double U-shaped curve pattern of sedative activity, as described in Chapter 1. Therefore, we present here the anxiolytic and antidepressant activities of naturally occurring monoterpene 1,8-cineole and its structural isomer 1,4-cineole. Anxiety-like behaviors were evaluated by using the light–dark box test (LDB) and marble-burying test (MBT) and depression-like symptoms were tested by using the forced swimming test (FST) and tail suspension test (TST). The results demonstrated that 1,8-cineole and 1,4-cineole both possessed an anxiolytic and antidepressant effect. Further, the role of the GABAA/benzodiazepine receptor system in the anxiolytic effects of 1,8- and 1,4-cineole was investigated through co-administration of flumazenil, a GABAergic system antagonist. The results suggested that only 1,8-cineole affects the GABAA/benzodiazepine receptors. In this chapter, we demonstrated that inhaled 1,8- and 1,4-cineole prevented anxiety and depressive-like symptoms in classic mice models.

Sesquiterpene compounds such as caryophyllene oxide, were previously demonstrated in Chapter 1, to be sedative even at low doses. A previous work has investigated QSAR study of monoterpene compounds. However, sesquiterpenes which are more complex and possess stronger odor in plants are not yet studied for possible QSAR or SAR analysis. Therefore, in Chapter 3, as a part of our endeavor to shed light on the effects of sesquiterpenes on the CNS, a detailed study on the properties of selected sesquiterpenes was performed by using their ADMET properties. From an initial list of one hundred and fourteen sesquiterpenes, a rigorous selection of eighteen sesquiterpenes was conducted, and these compounds were further divided into two groups: training set and external validation set of nine sesquiterpenes each. The training set was evaluated for sedative activity in mice via inhalation and the results demonstrated that all compounds were sedative, except for one compound, curzerene. QSAR study was performed using simple regression and multiple regression models, and a multiple regression model was the best fit to predict sedative activity of the sesquiterpenes. Further, molecular determinants were analyzed to find the key parameters needed for sedative activity. Molar refractivity and the number of hydrogen bonds acceptors were suggested to be statistically important in predicting more than 82% of the sedative activity. Therefore, in this chapter, we suggest novel QSAR models that could be useful in predicting sedative activity of sesquiterpenes, thus accelerating the process of drug development.



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