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Urod algebras and Translation of W-algebras

Arakawa, Tomoyuki Creutzig, Thomas Feigin, Boris 京都大学 DOI:10.1017/fms.2022.15



In this work, we introduce Urod algebras associated to simply laced Lie algebras as well as the concept of translation of W-algebras. Both results are achieved by showing that the quantum Hamiltonian reduction commutes with tensoring with integrable representations; that is, for V and L an affine vertex algebra and an integrable affine vertex algebra associated with g, we have the vertex algebra isomorphism H⁰[DS, f](V⊗L)≅H⁰[DS, f] ((V)⊗L, where in the left-hand-side the Drinfeld–Sokolov reduction is taken with respect to the diagonal action of ˆg on V⊗L. The proof is based on some new construction of automorphisms of vertex algebras, which may be of independent interest. As corollaries, we get fusion categories of modules of many exceptional W-algebras, and we can construct various corner vertex algebras. A major motivation for this work is that Urod algebras of type A provide a representation theoretic interpretation of the celebrated Nakajima–Yoshioka blowup equations for the moduli space of framed torsion free sheaves on ℂℙ² of an arbitrary rank.




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