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Seasonal pelage color change of two sympatric arboreal squirrel species in the subarctic region

Mitsuzuka Wakana Kato M Oshida Tatsuo 帯広畜産大学



Some mammal species exhibit pelage color change with seasonal molt. Seasonal molt and pelage color change are beneficial to thermoregulation and concealment, associated with seasonal environmental change. The Eurasian red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris Linnaeus, 1758 and the Siberian flying squirrel Pteromys volans (Linnaeus, 1758) are arboreal and sympatrically distributed in the subarctic northern Eurasian Continent and Sakhalin and Hokkaido islands. We expect that diurnal S. vulgaris may demonstrate more conspicuous difference between summer and winter pelages than nocturnal P. volans, because of its protective coloration in each season. To test this conjecture, we investigated their seasonal pelage color change. To diminish the effect of geographic variation in pelage color, we chose S. vulgaris orientis Thomas, 1906 and P. volans orii (Kuroda, 1921), which are endemic subspecies of Hokkaido Island, Japan. We used skin and stuffed specimens and frozen materials and categorized them into two pelage groups (summer and winter pelages) based on collection date. Pelage color characteristics were measured with a spectrophotometer for lightness, redness and yellowness. Countershading was examined by comparing dorsal and ventral lightness. Both subspecies showed lighter winter pelage than summer pelage, suggesting their greyish-white winter pelage was beneficial to concealment from predators during winter. As we expected, seasonal changes of redness and yellowness were more clearly recognized in S. vulgaris than in P. volans. As S. vulgaris is diurnal and vulnerable to attack by diurnal avian predators, reddish and yellowish pelage patterns may be important for concealment. Because it is nocturnal, P. volans may not need this reddish and yellowish pelage. Sciurus vulgaris also had a remarkably counter-shaded body, indicating that its body may reduce predation risk from daytime visual predators. Differences in seasonal pelage color change of these two arboreal squirrels may be caused by their different circadian rhythms. © 2019, © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.



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