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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Pib2 is a cysteine sensor involved in TORC1 activation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Pib2 is a cysteine sensor involved in TORC1 activation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Zeng, Qingzhong 大阪大学 DOI:10.18910/93005




Pib2 is a cysteine sensor involved in TORC1
activation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae


Zeng, Qingzhong


大阪大学, 2023, 博士論文

Version Type VoR



Osaka University Knowledge Archive : OUKA
Osaka University

Form 3

Abstract of Thesis


Qingzhong Zeng

Pib2 is a cysteine sensor involved in TORC1 activation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae


Abstract of Thesis
TORC1 is a master regulator that integrates information from multiple upstream signals and phosphorylates substrates to
promote anabolism and cell growth, upon amino acids were sufficient. In the absence of amino acids, TORC1 is inactive and
autophagy is induced to degrade intracellular proteins for recycling amino acids. It is activated via two distinct upstream
pathways, the Gtr pathway, which corresponds to mammalian Rag, and the Pib2 pathway. In mammals, it has been reported that
several amino acid sensors regulate GATOR2-GATOR1-Rag GTPase axis to trigger TORC1 activity. However, how amino acids
are sensed is poorly understood in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Sch9, one of the TORC1 substrates, is phosphorylated via the Pib2
pathway and the Gtr pathway. Ser3, a novel TORC1 substrate, is phosphorylated by the Pib2 pathway and not by the Gtr pathway.
In this study, using the phosphorylation state of Sch9 and Ser3 as indicators of TORC1 activity, I investigated which pathways
were employed in TORC1 activation by individual amino acid. Different amino acids exhibited different dependencies on the Gtr
and Pib2 pathways.
Cysteine was the amino acid most dependent on the Pib2 pathway. Cysteine induces a dose-dependent increase in the
interaction between TOR1 and Pib2 in vivo and in vitro. Moreover, cysteine directly bound to Pib2 via W632 and F635, two
critical residues in the T(ail) motif that are necessary to activate TORC1. These results indicate that Pib2 functioning as a sensor
for cysteine in TORC1 regulation.





( Qingzhong Zeng )














Zeng氏 は 、 ア ミ ノ 酸 を は じ め と す る 栄 養 情 報 を 統 合 し 、 タ ン パ ク 質

合 成 な ど 同 化 過 程 や オ ー ト フ ァ ジ ー な ど 異 化 過 程 を コ ン ト ロ ー ル す る マ ス タ ー
制 御 因 子 TORC1の 制 御 機 構 を 研 究 し た 。 出 芽 酵 母 Pib2タ ン パ ク 質 は 、 GTRタ ン パ
ク 質 複 合 体 と 独 立 し て 共 に TORC1を 上 流 か ら 制 御 す る 。 二 十 種 の ア ミ ノ 酸 が こ れ
ら 上 流 の 制 御 機 構 に よ り 、 ど の 様 に 識 別 さ れ る の か を 解 析 し た 。 そ の な か で 特
に シ ス テ イ ン が Pib2依 存 の TORC1活 性 を も た ら す こ と に 着 目 し 、 シ ス テ イ ン が 直
接 Pib2タ ン パ ク 質 に 結 合 し て TORC1を 活 性 化 す る シ ス テ イ ン セ ン サ ー タ ン パ ク
質 と し て 機 能 す る こ と を 明 ら か に し た 。 こ れ ら の 内 容 は ア ミ ノ 酸 感 知 機 構 の 実
体 を 明 ら か に し た も の と し て 高 く 評 価 さ れ 、博士の学位を授与するに値するものと認める。なお、



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First, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Prof.

Takeshi Noda, for his continuous support, insightful guidance, and constructive

feedback, throughout my research journey. I would like to express my deep gratitude to

assistant professor Dr. Araki for his invaluable guidance and insightful discussion in

this study. I am thankful to all members of Noda-Lab for valuable discussion.

I would like to thank for Prof. Takayuki Sekito and Prof. Nobuo Noda for their

scientific discussions.

My heartfelt thanks go to my parents, for their unwavering love, support, and

encouragement throughout my academic journey. I am immensely grateful to my

spouse for her endless support, patience, and belief, and for always standing by my side,

providing unwavering support in both the good times and the challenging moments.

Finally, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who took the time to read

this thesis and provide me with valuable suggestions that will help me in my future





First author publication:

[1].Qingzhong Zeng, Yasuhiro Araki, Takeshi Noda. Pib2 is a cysteine sensor

involved in TORC1 activation. 投稿中.

[2]. Qingzhong Zeng, Yasuhiro Araki, Takeshi Noda. TORC1 represses SER3

expression by inducing lncRNA SRG1 transcriptional interference. 投稿準備中

[3]. Zhang, H.-T., Zeng, Q., Wu, B., Lu, J., Tong, K.-L., Lin, J., Liu, Q.-Y., Xu, L.,

Yang, J., Liu, X., et al. (2021). TRIM21-regulated Annexin A2 plasma membrane

trafficking facilitates osteosarcoma cell differentiation through the TFEB-mediated

autophagy. Cell Death Dis. 12, 21. 10.1038/s41419-020-03364-2. (Co-first author)

[4]. Zeng, Q., Liu, W.T., Lu, J.L., Liu, X.H., Zhang, Y.F., Liu, L.X., and Gao, X.J.

(2018). YWHAZ Binds to TRIM21 but Is Not Involved in TRIM21-stimulated

Osteosarcoma Cell Proliferation. Biomed. Environ. Sci. BES 31, 186–196.


Co-author publication:


[1]. Xu, G.-S., Lin, Y.-N., Zeng, Q., Li, Z.-P., Xiao, T., Ye, Y.-S., Li, Z.-Y., and Gao,

X. HSP90-regulated CHIP/TRIM21/p21 Axis Involves in the Senescence of

Osteosarcoma Cells. Protein Pept. Lett. 30, 1–7.

[2]. Si, H.W., Mei, X.F., Zeng, Q., Hui, L.X., Juan, G.X., and Xia, L.L. (2017).

ERK1/2-mediated Cytoplasmic Accumulation of hnRNPK Antagonizes TRAILinduced Apoptosis through Upregulation of XIAP in H1299 Cells. Biomed. Environ.

Sci. 30, 473–481. 10.3967/bes2017.063.

[3]. Gao, X., Xu, F., Zhang, H.-T., Chen, M., Huang, W., Zhang, Q., Zeng, Q., and Liu,

L. (2016). PKCα–GSK3β–NF-κB signaling pathway and the possible involvement of

TRIM21 in TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Biochem. Cell Biol. 94, 256–264. 10.1139/bcb2016-0009.

[4]. Huang CQ, Li W, Wu B, Chen WM, Chen LH, Mo GW, Zhang QF, Gong L, Li J,

Zhang HC, Zhu HM, Zeng Q. (2016). Pheretima aspergillum decoction suppresses

inflammation and relieves asthma in a mouse model of bronchial asthma by NF-κB

inhibition. J. Ethnopharmacol. 189, 22–30. 10.1016/j.jep.2016.05.028.

Conference Presentation

Qingzhong Zeng、荒木保弘、野田健司. 二つの TORC1 活性化経路の上流に位置

するアミノ酸の同定. 第 11 回 TOR 研究会. (2021/7/15-16)


Qingzhong Zeng、荒木保弘、野田健司. オートファジーを抑制する TORC1 の活

性化経路の上流に位置するアミノ酸の同定. 「マルチモードオートファジー」

第 3 回班会議・第 14 回オートファジー研究会. (2021/10/24-27)

Qingzhong Zeng, Yasuhiro Araki, Takeshi Noda. TORC1 senses amino acids through

distinct upstream pathways to inhibit autophagy. The 10th International Symposium on

Autophagy. (2022/10/23-27)

Qingzhong Zeng, Yasuhiro Araki, Takeshi Noda. Cysteine-activated TORC1 is

dependent on the Pib2 pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 第 12 回 TOR 研究会.


Qingzhong Zeng, Yasuhiro Araki, Takeshi Noda. Cysteine-activated TORC1 is

dependent on the Pib2 pathway. The 45th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology

Society of Japan. (2022/11/30-12/2)





