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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Addressing H0 tension by means of VCDM」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Addressing H0 tension by means of VCDM

De Felice, Antonio Mukohyama, Shinji Pookkillath, Masroor C. 京都大学 DOI:10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136201



In this letter we propose a reduction of the H₀ tension puzzle by means of a theory of minimally modified gravity which is dubbed VCDM. After confronting the theory with the data, a transition in the expansion history of the universe in the low-redshift z ≃ 0.3 is found. From the bestfit values the total fitness parameter is improved by Δx² = 33.41 , for the data set considered. We then infer the local Hubble expansion rate today within this theory by means of low redshift Pantheon data. The resulting local Hubble expansion rate today is H₀[loc] = 73.69 ± 1.4. Hence the tension is reduced within the VCDM theory.



we then need to find the residues on the variable

χ 2 = (m B ,i − mtB ,i )−

(m B , j − mtB , j )


(1 Mpc) H 0

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= W i − M B + 5 log10



(1 Mpc) H 0

W j − M B + 5 log10


Now consider

d¯ L ≡ (1 + z)



E ( z )


so that

d¯ L =

dz d¯ L

dN dz

= d¯ L +

(1 + z)2

E ( z)


where we have used



= 1+ z,


considering N = ln(a0 /a) = ln(1 + z). Now we can solve for d¯ L ( z),

given the initial conditions d¯ L (0) = 0 = z(0).

Once we have the quantities d¯ L for any data-redshift, we have

W i so that we are able to find

S 0 ≡ V T − 1 V ,

S1 ≡ W 





where V i = 1 and i j is the covariance matrix.

Finally, the mean value and the variance of H 0loc can be determined by the log-normal distribution

H 0loc = e μln + 2 σln ,

H 0loc

(A.12) ...



