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Petrology, Zircon U-Pb Geochronology, and REE Geochemistry of Granulites from the Lützow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica : Implications for the P-T-t Evolution of Gondwana Collisional Orogens

高村, 悠介 筑波大学



Zircon U-Pb geochronology is known as one of the best dating tools having been widely applied to various magmatic, metamorphic, and detrital grains. Particularly, the application of micro-analytical instruments such as SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS to the dating technique enables us to precisely evaluate complex geological processes recorded in single zircon grains. For the determination of metamorphic ages, rare earth element (REE) patterns of zircons/monazites and coexisting minerals, particularly garnet, are often combined with U-Pb data to infer prograde, peak, and retrograde ages, which help our understanding of metamorphic processes in convergent plate margins. This study thus applies the technique in combination with petrological data to high-grade metamorphic rocks from the East African-Antarctic Orogeny (EAAO) formed through complex collisional events during late Neoproterozoic-Cambrian Gondwana amalgamation, and unravel pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) evolution of the region. This study focuses on the Lützow-Holm Complex (LHC), East Antarctica, which is regarded as one of the regional high-grade metamorphic terranes in the EAAO. Previous studies suggested that the metamorphic grade systematically increases from the northeastern part (amphibolite facies) to the southwestern part (granulite facies) of the complex. Recent studies have proposed two stages of metamorphism in this area, however, these studies mainly focused on the southwestern granulite-facies area. This study particularly focused on high-grade rocks from Tenmondai Rock area, one of the exposures in the amphibolite to lower granulite transition zone along the Prince Olav Coast, northeastern LHC. In addition, a granulite from Sudare Rock area which is located in the southern part of the Lützow-Holm Bay is also examined to evaluate P-T-t paths throughout the LHC.

In this study, three mafic granulites (samples Ts11021003A, Ts11021007H, and Ts11021106A) and two amphibolites (Ts11021001A and Ts11021006B) collected from Tenmondai Rock, and one mafic granulite (Ts11011002A) from Sudare Rock have been analyzed. Skeletal garnet in sample Ts11021106A surrounded by orthopyroxene + plagioclase symplectite suggests the progress of reactions such as garnet + quartz → orthopyroxene + plagioclase, which indicate near-isothermal decompression probably along a clockwise P-T path. Similar symplectite textures are also present in sample Ts11011002A. Whole-rock geochemical data show characteristic Nb and Ti negative anomalies in spider diagrams, depletion of HREE, and Th-enriched characters in some discrimination diagrams, suggesting a magmatic arc-related setting. The application of phase equilibrium modeling in the system NCKFMASHTO for the garnet-bearing mafic granulite (Ts11021106A) indicates that the peak assemblage (garnet + orthopyroxene + plagioclase + ilmenite + quartz + K-feldspar and melt) was stable at a P-T range of 850-900°C and 7.5-8.5 kbar. The condition is consistent with the result of geothermobarometry (805-845°C at 8 kbar and 6.5-9.3 kbar at 800°C), which also confirms that the area underwent peak granulite-facies metamorphism, higher than previous results (750°C and 7.2-7.5 kbar). The application of geothermobarometry to the sample from Sudare Rock (Ts11011002A) yielded granulite-facies peak P-T conditions. In addition, U-Pb dating of zircons in mafic granulites from Tenmondai Rock (Ts11021106A) and Sudare Rock (Ts11011002A) were performed by LA-ICP-MS, and yielded similar middle Neoproterozoic ages (ca. 800-700 Ma) from igneous zircon cores and late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian ages (ca. 650-500 Ma) from metamorphic rims and/or structureless grains. Metamorphic zircons in sample Ts11021106A (Tenmondai Rock) show enriched normalized-Lu/Gd values and negative Eu/Eu* (=EuN/(SmN×GdN)1/2) anomalies for ca. 520-510 Ma zircon. These results suggest the consumption of garnet and the growth of plagioclase caused by the breakdown of garnet and formation of orthopyroxene + plagioclase symplectite during near-isothermal decompression. In sample Ts11011002A (Sudare Rock), although no Eu/Eu* anomaly was observed, the normalized Lu/Gd values increase at ca. 560-510 Ma. This might suggest that the timing of near-isothermal decompression caused by rapid exhumation in Sudare Rock could be earlier than that of Tenmondai Rock.

The published U-Pb and REE data of zircons in mafic rocks with similar symplectite textures from the Highland Complex, Sri Lanka, show older zircon ages of ca. 560-520 Ma with higher Lu/Gd values. This indicates a correlation between the central LHC and the Highland Complex, and is consistent with previous studies that inferred petrological, geochemical and geochronological similarities between the two complexes. The obtained P-T-t path can be well compared with model P-T-t path predicted by channel flow as a potentially dominant mechanism of rapid exhumation of Gondwana collisional orogen.


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