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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Atomic Oxygen Ion‐Neutral Collision Frequency Models at Ionospheric Temperatures」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Atomic Oxygen Ion‐Neutral Collision Frequency Models at Ionospheric Temperatures

Ieda, A. 名古屋大学



The collision between atomic oxygen and its first positive ion plays a major role in Earth's F region ionosphere. An accurate corresponding collision frequency model is necessary to quantitatively understand the ionosphere. However, the widely used classic Banks theoretical model typically provides a collision frequency that is 30% lower than the expectation from ionospheric observations. Accordingly, the classic collision frequency is often adjusted by multiplying it by a constant known as the Burnside factor. This correction-factor model adopted the classic model as its basis due to a misunderstanding that the classic model was based on a laboratory experiment; that is, the correction factor was originally meant to compensate for laboratory contamination. In this study, a collision frequency model is constructed based on the laboratory experiment, and the resultant laboratory-based model is found to be consistent with ionospheric observations. In this construction, the impact of laboratory contamination is determined to be small (7%) and is mostly canceled by a misinterpretation regarding the conventional definitions of energy. Thus, the 30% difference is mainly caused by a theoretical error in the classic model itself. This error is energy-dependent and corrected by the later wide-energy theoretical model. Thus, the classic model cannot be corrected by a temperature-independent constant and should be replaced by the later model.


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