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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Application of Thermomechanical Pulping Method for Fabricating Bamboo Fiber」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Application of Thermomechanical Pulping Method for Fabricating Bamboo Fiber

DO, Vu Thang 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/00160457



Bamboos are woody grasses that fast grow in diverse habitats from all continents of the world except Europe. There are over 1250 species in approximately 75 genera of bamboo that have ideal living environment in tropics and subtropics regions, where they can grow in mixed forests or pure stands. The most important part of bamboo for industries is the bamboo culm because it contains a huge amount of fibers, which appear as bundles in the culm’s wall. Varied for species, the culm is often short-lived within 5-10 years. Japanese moso-bamboo is mature at 3-4 years and gradually become old and death in about 10 years. Culm’s age also the important factor to consider in order to manage bamboo cavillation (Liese and Köhl 2015).

The anatomical structure of bamboo woody-culm is different and more uniform comparing with wood. The most unique structure of bamboo is the shape and the distribution of vascular bundles, which are surrounded by the parenchyma cells inside the internode. Vascular bundle is a group where fibers present and appears massively at the outer part of the culm’s wall. Therefore, the outer part of the culm is denser with fibers and has far higher density than the inner, which almost filled by parenchyma cells. Amount of vascular bundles does not change with the height, while the parenchyma fraction declines (Liese 1998).

The bamboo fibers are presented by their slender form, long and tapered and sometimes forked at the ends. Content of fiber is about 40 % of the mass and to 60–70 % of the weight of the bamboo culm. The length of fiber is varies between species but is recognized to be much longer than those of hardwoods or softwoods. In general, fibers wall is formed by the primary, secondary, and the tertiary wall. To be more specific, the secondary wall of a bamboo fiber is made up by up to 8 layers of microfibrils in different orientation. Especially, bamboo does not have any particular cells for radial transportation like ray cells in woods (Grosser and Liese 1971).




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Odabas, N., Henniges, U., Potthast, A., and Rosenau, T. (2016). “Cellulosic fines : Properties and effects,” Progress in Materials Science, Elsevier Ltd, 83, 574–594. DOI: 10.1016/j.pmatsci.2016.07.006

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Rudi, H., Resalati, H., Eshkiki, R. B., and Kermanian, H. (2016). “Sunflower stalk neutral sulfite semi-chemical pulp: an alternative fiber source for production of fluting paper,” Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier Ltd, 127, 562–566. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.04.049

Suzuki, S., Okubo, K., and Fujii, T. (2008). “Development of high strength bamboo paper using parenchyma cells,” in: High Performance Structures and Materials IV, WIT

Transactions on The Built Environment, WIT Press, Southampton, UK, 241–249. DOI: 10.2495/HPSM080261

Tarasov, D., Leitch, M., and Fatehi, P. (2015). “Production of lignosulfonate in NSSCbased biorefinery,” Biotechnology Progress, 31(6), 1508–1514. DOI: 10.1002/btpr.2149

Vidaurre, G. B., Pereira, M., Boschetti, W. T. N., Patt, R., Colodette, J. L., Vital, B. R., and De Almeida, M. N. F. (2018). “NSSC pulping of fast growing trees,” Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. DOI: 10.1515/npprj-2018-3044 DOI: 10.1016/j.pmatsci.2016.07.006 Rowell, L. . (2008). “Natural fibers: types and properties,” in: Properties and Performance of Natural-Fibre Composites, 1–557. DOI: 10.1533/9781845694593 Rudi, H., Resalati, H., Eshkiki, R. B., and Kermanian, H. (2016). “Sunflower stalk neutral sulfite semi-chemical pulp: an alternative fiber source for production of fluting paper,” Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier Ltd, 127, 562–566. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.04.049

Suzuki, S., Okubo, K., and Fujii, T. (2008). “Development of high strength bamboo paper using parenchyma cells,” in: High Performance Structures and Materials IV, WIT

Transactions on The Built Environment, WIT Press, Southampton, UK, 241–249. DOI: 10.2495/HPSM080261

Tarasov, D., Leitch, M., and Fatehi, P. (2015). “Production of lignosulfonate in NSSCbased biorefinery,” Biotechnology Progress, 31(6), 1508–1514. DOI: 10.1002/btpr.2149

Vidaurre, G. B., Pereira, M., Boschetti, W. T. N., Patt, R., Colodette, J. L., Vital, B. R., and De Almeida, M. N. F. (2018). “NSSC pulping of fast growing trees,” Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. DOI: 10.1515/npprj-2018-3044



