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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Cardiac Disease Classification Using Two-Dimensional Thickness and Few-Shot Learning Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Image Segmentation」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Cardiac Disease Classification Using Two-Dimensional Thickness and Few-Shot Learning Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Image Segmentation

Wibowo, Adi Triadyaksa, Pandji Sugiharto, Aris Sarwoko, Eko Adi Nugroho, Fajar Agung Arai, Hideo 新井, 英雄 アライ, ヒデオ Kawakubo, Masateru 河窪, 正照 カワクボ, マサテル 九州大学



: Cardiac cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a widely used technique for the noninvasive assessment of cardiac functions. Deep neural networks have achieved considerable progress in overcoming various challenges in cine MRI analysis. However, deep learning models cannot be used for classification because limited cine MRI data are available. To overcome this problem, features from cine image settings are derived by handcrafting and addition of other clinical features to the classical machine learning approach for ensuring the model fits the MRI device settings and image parameters required in the analysis. In this study, a novel method was proposed for classifying heart disease (cardiomyopathy patient groups) using only segmented output maps. In the encoder–decoder network, the fully convolutional EfficientNetB5-UNet was modified to perform the semantic segmentation of the MRI image slice. A two-dimensional thickness algorithm was used to combine the segmentation outputs for the 2D representation of images of the end-diastole (ED) and end-systole (ES) cardiac volumes. The thickness images were subsequently used for classification by using a few-shot model with an adaptive subspace classifier. Model performance was verified by applying the model to the 2017 MICCAI Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention dataset. High segmentation performance was achieved as follows: the average Dice coefficients of segmentation were 96.24% (ED) and 89.92% (ES) for the left ventricle (LV); the values for the right ventricle (RV) were 92.90% (ED) and 86.92% (ES). The values for myocardium were 88.90% (ED) and 90.48% (ES). An accuracy score of 92% was achieved in the classification of various cardiomyopathy groups without clinical features. A novel rapid analysis approach was proposed for heart disease diagnosis, especially for cardiomyopathy conditions using cine MRI based on segmented output maps.



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