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岡本 啓太郎 東北大学



A crystal structure includes many kinds of characteristic lengths. These values would manifest themselves as pressure response, including the lower symmetry and the long-period modulation. In the hydrous mineral where hydrogen and heavy elements coexists, one can think two aspects of structure: one is the framework structure supported by coordination polyhedra, and the other is the network connected by the interaction between the hydrogen atoms and the surrounding anions. My studies were aimed to clarify the pressure response of these structural components and mutual interaction. In the case of HP-phase of lawsonites with space group Pmcn, the enforcement of the hydrogen-bond network reported at the low-temperature phase was not confirmed in the X-ray diffraction study. Instead, rigid motion or deformation of the tetrahedra were detected. These facts mean that the mechanism of the phase transition at around 2 GPa is mainly controlled by the displacement and the deformation of the framework. For hemimorphite, which undergoes the phase transition arising from the rotation of secondary building unit (SBU), satellite reflections were newly observed and samples from different location showed opposed behavior on the presence/absence of the satellites. The sample from China showed the structural modulation at the pressure-induced phase transition. The modulation was caused by the arrangement of anti-phase boundaries (APB) with q = [0, 1/8.4, 0], and the distribution of the APBs are preserved even at higher pressure. In contrast, for one of the samples from Mexico, the behaviors of the satellite reflections were completely different.

In both minerals, the pressure response of the natural mineral would depend on the combination of structural components and crystallinity of the sample. The direction of the displacement during the structural phase transition could be more than one, and the misfit of the direction between the structural components such as SBU results in the APB. The APB is destined to be resolved except in the case where the continuity of the crystal structure is imperfect.



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