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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Substrain differences in Sry expression at the stage of sex determination in C57BL/6 mouse strains」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Substrain differences in Sry expression at the stage of sex determination in C57BL/6 mouse strains

Narita, Hiroto Yokoyama, Toshifumi Okunishi, Nobusuke Kato, Shiori Fujikawa, Taisei Kirizuki, Yusuke Mantani, Youhei Miki, Takanori Hoshi, Nobuhiko 神戸大学



The expression of sex determining region of the Y chromosome (Sry) in the fetal gonads is important for male development. In a mouse model of disorders of sex development (C57BL/6 (B6)-XYᴾᴼˢ), the gonadal phenotype and the timing of Sry expression differ due to differences among B6 substrains as the genetic background. Since differences in Sry expression among B6 substrains have been speculated, the present study examined Sry expression in B6J, B6JJmsSlc, and B6NCrl mice. These substrains differed in the number of Sry-expressing cells in the gonads of embryonic mice at each developmental stage, with B6NCrl having more than the other strains. The substrains differed also in the number of Sry-expressing cells between the left and right gonads, with B6J and B6NCrl, but not B6JJmsSlc, showing left gonad-dominant Sry expression. Substrain differences existed also in the distribution of Sry-expressing cells in the medial and lateral directions of gonads. In addition, in the left gonad-dominant Sry-expressing substrains B6J and B6NCrl, the medial and central regions of the left gonad had more Sry-expressing cells than those of the right gonad. Substrains of B6 mice have not always been considered in sex differentiation studies. In the present study, however, we observed substrain differences in the number of Sry-expressing cells, left–right distribution, and medial/lateral distribution during the early stages of gonadal development in B6 mice. Therefore, future studies on sex differentiation in B6 mice should consider substrain differences.



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