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タブース ハッサン バット TAVOOS HASSAN BHAT 九州大学



Kyushu University Institutional Repository

Model development for quantifying the multiple
environmental-health-economic benefits from
low-emission urban transport development
strategies in Delhi, India
タブース ハッサン バット

出版情報:Kyushu University, 2022, 博士(学術), 課程博士

(様式3)Form 3

: Tavoos Hassan Bhat
論 文 名 : Model development for quantifying the multiple environmental-healtheconomic benefits from low-emission urban transport development strategies in
Delhi, India



文 内 容 の 要
Thesis Summary

Climate change mitigation and air pollution reduction actions provide several advantages,
including increased energy efficiency, improved air quality, and public health. This study aimed
to quantify the expected climate co-benefits from the implementation of both clean transport
technology and active transport scenarios in the urban transportation system in Delhi, India.
To this aim, an integrated co-benefits assessment modeling framework was developed in this
study to assess the health, environmental, and economic co-benefits of two plausible scenarios
of: 1) replacing the current CNG busses with the battery-electric bus (BEB) fleet as a part of
the Delhi electric vehicles policy 2020 and 2) adopting nonmotorized transportation (Walking
and cycling) in the Delhi public transportation system. The co-benefits modeling framework in
this research includes four main parts:
1. Estimation of the avoided emissions from introducing the new scenario:
 Model (A) Estimation of the avoided emissions from replacing the CNG bus fleet with the
new BEBs in Delhi: To determine the avoided emissions from replacing the CNG bus fleet
with the new BEBs, the annual operating time of the BEB was estimated by developing a
detailed simulation model of battery electricity management, taking into account time lost
in charging as well as state-of-charge (SOC) and capacity loss of the BEB's lithium battery
and emission factors.
 Model (B): Replacement of private motorized transportation with NMT (Walking and
cycling) based on the willingness in Delhi: Avoided emissions were calculated based on the
total per capita extra distance traveled and the total VKT (vehicle kilometers) replaced by

walking and cycling, through developing a detailed daily trip model, taking into account the
willingness of people in Delhi to use walking and cycling travel modes. The willingness to
use NMT in Delhi was estimated, using a logistic regression model based on the collected
data from a cross-sectional interview with 250 inhabitants in Delhi.
2. Estimation of the near-roadway PM2.5 exposure:
In order to assess the impact of avoided emissions (particularly PM 2.5) on improving public
health in Delhi, a near-roadway PM2.5 dispersion model was developed and applied to the
selected traffic zones in 11 major districts of Delhi. In the BEB scenario, a steady state gaussian
dispersion model was developed to estimate the hourly concentration at 200 meters downwind
distance from the center of the street. Additionally, to estimate the short-term area
concentration of PM2.5 over the area in the upwind and crosswind directions, a ground-level
concentration model is developed, taking into account the relationship between the wind
coordination. In the case of the NMT scenario, an air dispersion modeling tool called CALRoads
View (Lakes Environmental Software) was used to predict pollutant concentrations for
receptors located within 150 meters on either side of the roadways.
3. Health impact assessment:
To establish a link between the avoided concentration of PM 2.5 and health benefits, a health
risk assessment model was developed in the third part, which estimates the relationship
between changes in PM2.5 concentrations and the occurrence of specific health outcomes in the
selected traffic areas, using the concentration-response function (CRF) for several diseases. The
CRF coefficient values used in this study are derived from the relative risk (RR) level, which
measures the likelihood of an adverse health outcome among the population exposed to a higher
level of ambient air pollution than a lower level of ambient air pollution. The values of the RR
utilized in the study were extracted from a detailed meta-analysis of previous studies. To this
aim, a systematic review of epidemiological studies, meta-analyses, and review articles was
conducted to assess the relationship between changes in PM 2.5 concentrations and changes in
the incidence of each health endpoint.
4. Economic impact assessment:
The Value of Statistical Life (VSL) approach was used in this study to calculate the mortality
cost of PM2.5 exposure cost of illness (COI), and the cost of an emergency room visit (ERV)
approach was used to determine the cost of treatment.
The research findings indicated that, the utilization of the new BEB fleet leads to a 74.67%

reduction in the total pollutant emissions from the existing bus fleet in Delhi. The results of
the integrated co-benefits assessment reveal a significant reduction in PM 2.5 emissions (44 t/y),
leading to avoidance of mortality (1370 cases) and respiratory diseases related hospital
admissions (2808 cases), respectively, and an annual savings of about USD 383 million from
the avoided mortality and morbidity cases in Delhi. The results from the application of the NMT
in Delhi show the annual reduction of CO2 and PM2.5 by 121.5 kilotons and 138.9 tons,
respectively. The model estimates the expected co-benefits from increased physical activities
and reduced PM 2.5 exposure at 17529 avoided cases of mortality with an associated savings of
about USD 4870 million in Delhi.




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Findings and Conclusion

Sustainable transportation is important to climate change strategies, particularly in developing

countries, including India, which can be integrated into development goals such as health and wellbeing, as well as clean energy and sustainable cities. Therefore, identifying tangible co-benefits to

justify actions to fulfill climate change mitigation and other human development goals is critical.

Public transportation, which runs on battery electricity and NMT, can be an essential component

for such a strategy, as electric buses and NMT have a lower carbon footprint and provide

substantial economic benefits in preventing health impacts.

In India, structural problems with transportation are manifested by pollution and congestion;

thus, policymakers must choose the most effective solution for sustainable urban transportation,

keeping in mind the physical environment, public health, and economic dimensions, including

improving economic efficiency and social welfare. The ambition of using electric buses to reduce

pollution and congestion is being hampered by a lack of charging infrastructure and the need for

extensive training. In the case of NMT, the space on the road is shared by motorized and nonpowered modes in Delhi, bicycle infrastructure has not been constructed, and pedestrian

infrastructure has received little attention in most Indian cities, including Delhi. In most Indian

cities, including Delhi, NMT means are important in meeting transportation needs. The reliance

on NMT transit modes will increase in the foreseeable future if safety and infrastructure needs are

met, notwithstanding the increased economic prosperity and interest in owning motor vehicles in

urban areas. The provision of infrastructure for nonmotorized modes has not received enough

attention required in transportation planning studies carried out to date in major cities; therefore,

policymakers should pay special attention to this aspect.

Considering our findings and the current infrastructure regarding battery-electric public

transport and NMT (Walking and cycling) in Delhi, the electrification of the bus fleet in the urban

transportation system in Delhi is a challenging and cost-intensive scenario for the local government

due to the cost of the battery and required investments in constructing charging stations. Although

costs are substantial, failing to recognize the co-benefits, particularly benefits that outweigh the

costs (e.g., public health), can lead to flawed policy implementation. Deploying battery swapping

and charging stations across Delhi can help implement BEB transportation. While creating NMT

facilities in Delhi may also be costly due to the need to build and improve bike lanes, paths, and

crosswalks as well as design safer roads for NMT transportation. However, massive savings in

annual health costs may outweigh investments in infrastructure in just a couple of years.


5.1. Major findings:

5.1.1. Public health, environmental and economic benefits of the utilization of BEB


The utilization of the new BEB fleet leads to a 74.67% reduction in the total pollutant

emissions from the existing bus fleet in Delhi.

The results revealed a significant reduction of 315 kt/y in CO2 emission and 44 t/y of

avoided PM2.5 emission from the utilization of the BEB fleet in the Delhi urban

transportation system.

The expected reduction in mortality and respiratory diseases related hospital admission

cases from the avoided near roadway PM2.5 exposure ranges from 67 (low) to 1370 (high) and

137 (low) to 2808 (high), respectively, which will be associated with the considerable

economic benefits for the local government in Delhi.

5.1.2. NMT (walking and cycling) as a part of the Sustainable transportation strategy in


Based on the NMT willingness analysis findings, the average per capita time spent on

walking and bicycling were estimated as 11.1 and 2.3 min, respectively, which is equal to

covering an extra walking and cycling distance of 1.18 km per day based on the average

walking and cycling speed in Delhi.

The increased physical activity and avoiding exposure to PM2.5 near roadways are expected

to reduce the mortality rate by 17529 cases in addition to reducing other morbidities, as

indicated in this study, while physical activity plays a significant role in reducing

mortalities and morbidities.

The associated cost savings from mortalities were approximately 4,869.8 million USD

annually, which will positively impact Delhi's local government's finances.

5.1.3. Valuing co-benefits to make low transport emission investments in Delhi:

The monetization of health co-benefits significantly improves the financial viability of the

transport low emissions strategies development in Delhi.

As explained in chapter 3, the electric bus fleet could replace only 74.67% of the total

existing CNG bus fleet under the same traveling condition. Thus, extra electric buses would

be needed, if the local government intends to replace all CNG buses. Although, a 100%

replacement scenario results in additional capital investment, the expected economic

benefits from the avoided health outcome, would recover a major part of these initial costs.

Based on the estimated economic benefits from the avoided health outcome, the BEB fleet

can cover all initial capital cost, which is estimated at USD 1,784 million, within six years

of implementation of the electrification of public transport in Delhi, taking into account its


lower operational and maintenance costs per kilometer compared to the conventional


The average investment in walking and bike lanes is around 1 million USD/km in Delhi.

However, findings in chapter 4 indicated that the average saving from improving public

health due to increased physical activity would be 0.3 million USD/ km per year which

makes a strong case for the implementation of NMT infrastructure in Delhi.

5.2.Study limitations:

5.2.1. Uncertainty of near roadway assessment for PM2.5 exposure:

Estimates of emissions, pollutant concentrations, population, and disease rates affect

mortality due to air pollution caused by transportation. There are uncertainties at every

analytical stage of the health effects of air pollution, including identifying emissions, pollutant

concentrations, and associated health implications. The size and spatial distribution of

transportation emissions also bring important uncertainties, so more details focus on near

roadway stations for assessment for PM2.5 should be done.

5.2.2 The detailed cost analysis of the studied low-emission scenarios:

In this study, the cost analysis of the proposed scenarios was not discussed. For example,

the availability of charging infrastructure in Delhi is an important issue that will affect the

future implementation of this policy. Charging systems is the most important part of electric

mobility, but it is also one of the most significant perceived impediments to EV adoption in

Delhi due to low availability and long charging periods. To carry out the Delhi Electric Vehicle

Policy, this goal necessitates the simultaneous penetration of charging stations across Delhi, as

there are currently only 72 public charging stations in Delhi. Therefore, setting up charging

infrastructure at the public level needs to be analyzed in detail, before implementing a batteryelectric public transport system in Delhi.

5.2.3. The lifecycle emissions of electricity generation:

The lifecycle emissions of electricity generation (from coal) were not addressed in this study.

The results revealed that the additional electricity demand by the BEBs is considerable and is

about 1.3 % of Delhi's current total electricity consumption, 34% of which should be supplied

from the coal-fired power plants. Therefore, to maximize the environmental and health cobenefits from the electrification of the whole transport system in Delhi, the local government

needs to decrease its reliance on fossil fuels for electricity generation and switch over to

renewable sources for electricity generation.


5.2.4.The lack of data availability on RR and limits of the meta-analysis:

Data availability to calculate RR in the case of the Indian scenario remains a challenge due

to limited access to the historical epidemiological statistics on different disease and mortality

rates and also data for the hospital admission costs. Data availability to calculate RR related to

physical activity and health impacts specific to the Indian scenario was also a challenge, as few

studies are available. Moreover, most of the health impact studies on air pollution in India are

currently based on the time-series analysis undertaken in large cities through primary research

only. In order to tackle this challenge, this study mostly relied on available data from China,

Europe, the USA, and other Asian countries that may not be 100% applicable in the case of

the Indian scenario.

5.3. Future work

The current study has only quantified the health and economic co-benefits of Delhi's lowcarbon transportation system (NMT and BEBs). However, other co-benefits of sustainable

transport systems, which include a reduction in traffic congestion, road accident-related mortalities

and injuries, noise reduction, increased energy efficiency, Local job creation, and other social

benefits, could be considered as future work of this research.




