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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Genetic insights into the dissolution of dioecy in diploid persimmon Diospyros oleifera Cheng」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Genetic insights into the dissolution of dioecy in diploid persimmon Diospyros oleifera Cheng

Sun, Peng Nishiyama, Soichiro Li, Huawei Mai, Yini Han, Weijuan Suo, Yujing Liang, Chengzhi Du, Huilong Diao, Songfeng Wang, Yiru Yuan, Jiaying Zhang, Yue Tao, Ryutaro Li, Fangdong Fu, Jianmin 京都大学 DOI:10.1186/s12870-023-04610-3



BACKGROUND: Dioecy, a sexual system of single-sexual (gynoecious/androecious) individuals, is rare in flowering plants. This rarity may be a result of the frequent transition from dioecy into systems with co-sexual individuals. RESULTS: In this study, co-sexual expression (monoecy and hermaphroditic development), previously thought to be polyploid-specific in Diospyros species, was identified in the diploid D. oleifeara historically. We characterized potential genetic mechanisms that underlie the dissolution of dioecy to monoecy and andro(gyno)monoecy, based on multiscale genome-wide investigations of 150 accessions of Diospyros oleifera. We found all co-sexual plants, including monoecious and andro(gyno)monoecious individuals, possessed the male determinant gene OGI, implying the presence of genetic factors controlling gynoecia development in genetically male D. oleifera. Importantly, discrepancies in the OGI/MeGI module were found in diploid monoecious D. oleifera compared with polyploid monoecious D. kaki, including no Kali insertion on the promoter of OGI, no different abundance of smRNAs targeting MeGI (a counterpart of OGI), and no different expression of MeGI between female and male floral buds. On the contrary, in both single- and co-sexual plants, female function was expressed in the presence of a genome-wide decrease in methylation levels, along with sexually distinct regulatory networks of smRNAs and their targets. Furthermore, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) identified a genomic region and a DUF247 gene cluster strongly associated with the monoecious phenotype and several regions that may contribute to andromonoecy. CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, our findings demonstrate stable breakdown of the dioecious system in D. oleifera, presumably also a result of genomic features of the Y-linked region.



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