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リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Endovascular Treatment of Tandem Atherosclerotic Cervical Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion in the Setting of Acute Ischemic Stroke」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Endovascular Treatment of Tandem Atherosclerotic Cervical Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion in the Setting of Acute Ischemic Stroke

Yamashita, Shunsuke Imahori, Taichirou Koyama, Junji Tanaka, Kazuhiro Okamura, Yusuke Arai, Atsushi Iwahashi, Hirofumi Mori, Tatsuya Onobuchi, Kana Sasayama, Takashi 神戸大学



Background Among tandem occlusions, atherosclerotic cervical internal carotid artery occlusion (ACICAO) can be technically challenging and associated with its unique complications. We evaluated our experience with endovascular treatment (EVT) of ACICAO in the setting of acute ischemic stroke. Methods In total, 154 consecutive patients who underwent EVT for acute anterior circulation stroke at our institute were retrospectively reviewed. Patients with tandem ACICAO were analyzed in this study. Procedures, recanalization rates, complications, and prognoses were evaluated. Results Ten patients (6%) of all 154 patients had ACICAO. In nine (90%) of the 10 patients, cervical lesions were successfully crossed and intervened upon. Four patients underwent stenting and five underwent angioplasty alone, followed by intracranial procedure. Eight patients (80%) achieved successful recanalization following mechanical thrombectomy for intracranial occlusion. However, one patient had massive subarachnoid hemorrhage during the procedure and another patient developed massive intracranial hemorrhage after EVT, both after stenting. Four of the five patients who initially underwent angioplasty alone subsequently underwent staged endarterectomy or stenting for residual stenosis on or after the next day. The single patient in whom the cervical lesion could not be crossed and another with reocclusion after EVT underwent a rescue bypass procedure due to persistent ischemic symptoms. After 90 days, four patients (40%) were functionally independent (modified Rankin scale score 0-2). Conclusions Our experience suggests that EVT for ACICAO is technically feasible; however, it involves the potential risk of several significant complications. To avoid serious hemorrhagic complications, cervical lesions may be better treated with angioplasty alone first.



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