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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Context-Dependent Roles of Hes1 in the Adult Pancreas and Pancreatic Tumor Formation」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Context-Dependent Roles of Hes1 in the Adult Pancreas and Pancreatic Tumor Formation

Marui, Saiko 京都大学 DOI:10.14989/doctor.k24523



Gastroenterology 2022;163:1613–1629

Context-Dependent Roles of Hes1 in the Adult Pancreas and
Pancreatic Tumor Formation
Saiko Marui,1 Yoshihiro Nishikawa,1,2,3 Masahiro Shiokawa,1 Masataka Yokode,1
Shimpei Matsumoto,1 Yuya Muramoto,1 Sakiko Ota,1 Takeharu Nakamura,1 Hiroyuki Yoshida,1
Hirokazu Okada,1 Takeshi Kuwada,1 Tomoaki Matsumori,1 Katsutoshi Kuriyama,1
Akihisa Fukuda,1 Dieter Saur,4,5 Takashi Aoi,2 Norimitsu Uza,1 Yuzo Kodama,3
Tsutomu Chiba,6 and Hiroshi Seno1

BACKGROUND & AIMS: The Notch signaling pathway is an
important pathway in the adult pancreas and in pancreatic
ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), with hairy and enhancer of
split-1 (HES1) as the core molecule in this pathway. However,
the roles of HES1 in the adult pancreas and PDAC formation
remain controversial. METHODS: We used genetically engineered dual-recombinase mouse models for inducing Hes1
deletion under various conditions. RESULTS: The loss of Hes1
expression in the adult pancreas did not induce phenotypic alterations. However, regeneration was impaired after caeruleininduced acute pancreatitis. In a pancreatic intraepithelial
neoplasia (PanIN) mouse model, PanINs rarely formed when
Hes1 deletion preceded PanIN formation, whereas more PanINs
were formed when Hes1 deletion succeeded PanIN formation. In
a PDAC mouse model, PDAC formation was also enhanced by
Hes1 deletion after PanIN/PDAC development; therefore, Hes1
promotes PanIN initiation but inhibits PanIN/PDAC progression.
RNA sequencing and chromatin immunoprecipitationquantitative polymerase chain reaction revealed that Hes1
deletion enhanced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition via
Muc5ac up-regulation in PDAC progression. The results indicated that HES1 is not required for maintaining the adult
pancreas under normal conditions, but is important for regeneration during recovery from pancreatitis; moreover, Hes1 plays
different roles, depending on the tumor condition.
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight the context-dependent
roles of HES1 in the adult pancreas and pancreatic cancer.

Keywords: Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma; PanIN; Muc5ac;


ancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a lethal
malignancy with a high mortality rate. PDAC is the
third-/fourth-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the
United States, Europe, and Japan.1–3 Although several efforts
have been made to establish effective therapies for PDAC,
the 5-year survival rate in PDAC is w5% to 10%.2,4,5 To
overcome the limitations in PDAC treatment, it is important
to understand the molecular mechanism underlying PDAC

formation and identify suitable therapeutic targets.
Reportedly, human PDAC involves gene mutations in 10
core signaling pathways, with the Notch signaling pathway
considered as one of the main pathways.6 Hairy and
enhancer of split-1 (HES1) is the primary downstream
target of the Notch signaling pathway and is known to play
important roles in cell and tissue development.7 However,
the role of HES1 in PDAC remains controversial.
In the development of the pancreas, HES1 is expressed
in stem/progenitor cells at the embryonic stage and is
considered to be important in the maintenance of these cells
as well as in deciding their fate.8,9 Indeed, global Hes1
knockout (KO) mice show pancreatic hypoplasia, which indicates the essential role of Hes1 in pancreas development.9
Although HES1 expression is limited to duct/centroacinar
cells in the adult pancreas under normal conditions, it is
also observed in acinar-to-ductal metaplasia (ADM),10,11
which represents a state of temporal dedifferentiation of
acinar cells under inflammatory conditions. We previously

Abbreviations used in this paper: Ad-Cre-GFP, Cre recombinase and
green fluorescent protein-expressing adenovirus; Ad-GFP, green fluorescent protein-expressing adenovirus; ADM, acinar-to-ductal metaplasia; Aldh, aldehyde dehydrogenase; ChIP-qPCR, chromatin
immunoprecipitation-quantitative polymerase chain reaction; CK, cytokeratin; DMEM, Dulbecco’s modified Eagle medium; ERT2, mutated estrogen receptor; FACS, fluorescence-activated cell sorting; FBS, fetal
bovine serum; GFP, green fluorescent protein; HES1, hairy and enhancer
of split-1; Hes1KO, Hes1-negative cells; Hnf1b;Hes1KO, Hnf1b-CreERT2;Hes1flox/flox; IHC, immunohistochemistry; KO, knockout; mRNA,
messenger RNA; MUC5AC, mucin 5, subtype AC; PanIN, pancreatic
intraepithelial neoplasia; PDAC, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma;
Pdx1;Hes1KO, Pdx1-Flp;FSF-R26CAG-CreERT2;Hes1flox/flox; Pdx1;Hes1WT,
Pdx1-Flp;Hes1flox/flox; Pdx1K;Hes1KO, Pdx1-Flp;FSF-R26CAG-CreERT2;FSFKrasG12D;Hes1flox/flox; Pdx1K;Hes1WT, Pdx1-Flp;FSF-KrasG12D;Hes1flox/flox;
Pdx1KP;Hes1KO, Pdx1-Flp;FSF-R26CAG-CreERT2;FSF-KrasG12D;Trp53frt/D;
Hes1flox/flox; Pdx1KP;Hes1WT, Pdx1-Flp;FSF-KrasG12D;Trp53frt/D;Hes1flox/flox;
qRT-PCR, quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction;
RNA-seq, RNA sequencing; WT, wild-type.
Most current article
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the AGA
Institute. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://


Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan; 2Division of
Advanced Medical Science, Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation, Kobe University, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan;
Department of Gastroenterology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan; 4Department of Internal
Medicine II, Klinikum rechts der Isar Technische Universität München, München, Bayern, Germany; 5Division of Translational
Cancer Research, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Heidelberg, BadenWürttemberg, Germany; and 6Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kansai Electric Power Hospital, Osaka, Japan

1614 Marui et al

The roles of Hes1 in adult pancreas and pancreatic ductal
adenocarcinoma remain controversial.
Under inflammatory condition, loss of Hes1 in
centroacinar/terminal duct resulted in pancreatic
atrophy. Hes1 deletion inhibited pancreatic intraepithelial
neoplasia/pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma initiation,
while it could promote pancreatic intraepithelial
This study was performed using mice, murine cells, and
human RNA sequencing data, hence further studies are
warranted in humans.

Hes1 plays distinct roles in pancreas based on the cellular
context and tumor phase. Hes1 plays an important role in
pancreatic regeneration after inflammation, whereas Hes1
has a suppressive role in pancreatic ductal
adenocarcinoma progression.

reported that HES1 is nonessential for the maintenance of
adult acinar cells under normal and inflammatory conditions.11 In contrast, another study showed that Hes1 deletion in the adult duct cells of Sox9-IRES-CreERT2 knock-in
mice promoted transdifferentiation from duct to acinar cells
with Sox9 suppression.12 Therefore, the precise roles of
HES1 in the adult pancreas are yet to be determined.
PDAC is believed to primarily form from acinar cells
bearing mutant Kras that transform into pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) through ADM.13 In pancreatic
tumor development, HES1 expression commences at the
ADM stage and continues during PanIN and PDAC formation,10,14 suggesting the involvement of Hes1 in both PDAC
initiation and progression. However, 2 conflicting reports
have been published on the role of HES1 in pancreatic
tumorigenesis.11,15 One report showed that simultaneous
Hes1 deletion and KrasG12D induction in the whole embryonal pancreas accelerated KrasG12D-induced PDAC formation.15 In contrast, simultaneous Hes1 ablation with KrasG12D
induction in adult acinar cells was shown to induce tumor
suppression, and HES1 in acinar cell-derived ADM was
shown to be essential for PanIN formation in mice.11 Both
reports were based on studies on the KrasG12D-driven PDAC
mouse model, but the timing and the cells used for KrasG12D
induction and Hes1 ablation were different.
Given that HES1 is involved in pancreatic development,
our strategy with conditional gene modification in adults
may be more suitable for analyzing pancreatic tumorigenesis. Furthermore, to clarify the roles of HES1 in PDAC
initiation and progression more precisely, it is necessary to
induce Hes1 deletion independently of KrasG12D induction.
However, in Cre-loxP PanIN/PDAC mouse models, it was
impossible to induce Hes1 deletion independently of
KrasG12D induction.

Gastroenterology Vol. 163, No. 6

In the present study, we combined a flippaserecombinase-recombination target and a CreERT2-loxP
recombination system16 to generate a dual-recombinase
mouse model for conditional Hes1 deletion in the adult
pancreas at various stages of tumor development independent of mutant Kras induction. Using this dual-recombinase
mouse model, we confirmed that HES1 is not required for
the maintenance of the adult pancreas under normal settings, but is indispensable for regeneration after caeruleininduced acute pancreatitis. With respect to tumor development, we found that the loss of Hes1 expression suppresses PanIN formation; however, once PanINs develop,
the loss of Hes1 expression promotes tumor progression.
Collectively, our data indicate the context-dependent roles
of Hes1 in the adult pancreas as well as in pancreatic tumor

The generation of Hes1 flox mice (generously provided by
Ryoichiro Kageyama, Institute for Virus Research, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan),17 LSL-KrasG12D mice (The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME),18 FSF-KrasG12D mice,16 Pdx1-Flp
mice,16 FSF-R26CAGCreERT2 mice,16 Trp53frt/þ mice,19 and
Hnf1b-CreERT2 mice (generously provided by Jorge Ferrer,
Imperial College, London, United Kingdom)20 has been reported previously. ...







Quantitative Reverse-Transcription Polymerase

Chain Reaction Analysis

The extracted RNA was used for complementary DNA

synthesis via the ReverTra Ace qPCR RT Master Mix

(Toyobo, Osaka, Japan) and subjected to qRT-PCR using the

SYBR Green Master Mix (Roche). The expression levels of

the indicated genes were normalized to that of GAPDH,

which was used as a housekeeping gene. The relative

expression was expressed in terms of fold change (2DDCt),

with the value obtained in the control group set to 1. The

primer sequences are provided in Supplementary Table 4.

All reactions were performed in triplicate.

Chromatin Immunoprecipitation-Quantitative

Polymerase Chain Reaction

Immunoprecipitation was performed using the SimpleChIP Enzymatic Chromatin IP Kit (Cell Signaling





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1629.e3 Marui et al

Gastroenterology Vol. 163, No. 6

Supplementary Figure 1. IHC staining for SOX9 (sex determining region Y-box transcription factor 9) of adult Pdx1;Hes1WT

and Pdx1;Hes1KO mice (left). Quantitative analysis of SOX9-positive cells (right). Five high power fields (HPF) from each group

(n ¼ 3) were randomly selected, and the number of SOX9-positive cells in the peripheral acinar cells, which did not include

main/interlobular duct cells, was counted for each field. Scale bars, 100 mm. Plotted values represent the mean ± standard

deviation. n.s., not significant.

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Role of Hes1 in Adult Pancreas and PDAC 1629.e4

Supplementary Figure 2. (A) IHC staining for CD45R, F4/80, and CD3 shows infiltration of inflammatory cells in the pancreas

of Pdx1;Hes1WT and Pdx1;Hes1KO mice at 2 days after pancreatitis. H&E staining shows diffuse expansion of interlobular

septa in both Pdx1;Hes1WT and Pdx1;Hes1KO mice 2 days after pancreatitis. (B) Percentage of CK19-positive area in the

pancreas (n ¼ 3 in each group). (C) IHC staining for MUC5AC in pancreatic tissues at 2 and 7 days after caerulein-induced

acute pancreatitis. Scale bars, 100 mm. Plotted values represent the mean ± standard deviation. **P < .01.

1629.e5 Marui et al

Gastroenterology Vol. 163, No. 6

Supplementary Figure 3. (A) Strategy for Hes1 deletion in adult duct cells via time-specific tamoxifen-mediated CreERT2

activation. Hnf1b-CreERT2 mice (Hnf1b;Hes1WT) and Hnf1b-CreERT2;Hes1flox/flox mice (Hnf1b;Hes1KO) are shown. (B) Schematic presentation of the experimental design for tamoxifen administration, caerulein-induced acute pancreatitis, and analysis. d,

day; M, month. (C) H&E staining and IHC for HES1 at 2 and 7 days after caerulein-induced acute pancreatitis. (D) Ratio of pancreas

weight to body weight in Hnf1b;Hes1WT (n ¼ 6) and Hnf1b;Hes1KO (n ¼ 4) mice at 7 days after caerulein-induced acute

pancreatitis. Scale bars, 100 mm. Plotted values represent the mean ± standard deviation. n.s., not significant.

Supplementary Figure 4. (A) Schematic representation of the experimental design for caerulein treatment and analyses.

M, month; W, week. (B) Percentage of Alcian blue-positive area in the pancreas (n ¼ 3 in each group). Plotted values represent

the mean ± standard deviation. **P < .01. (C) H&E, Alcian blue, and IHC staining for HES1 in pancreatic tissues. Scale bars,

100 mm.

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Role of Hes1 in Adult Pancreas and PDAC 1629.e6

Supplementary Figure 5. (A) H-score of HES1 and MUC5AC in PDAC of Pdx1KP;Hes1WT and Pdx1KP;Hes1KO mice (n ¼ 3

in each group). (B) IHC staining for Notch1, Notch2, Notch3, Notch4, Jag1, and vimentin, and Masson’s trichrome and Alcian

blue staining in the pancreatic tissues of Pdx1KP;Hes1WT and Pdx1KP;Hes1KO mice at 3 months after tamoxifen administration. (C) H&E, Masson’s trichrome staining, and IHC staining for MUC5AC of murine model of hepatic metastases. The

right graph shows the percentage of the CK19-positive area in the hepatic metastasis. Scale bars, 100 mm. (D) H-score of

MUC5AC for the hepatic metastasis model with Hes1WT and Hes1KO PDAC cells (n ¼ 3 in each group). Plotted values

represent the mean ± standard deviation. n.s., not significant; *P < .05; **P < .01.

1629.e7 Marui et al

Gastroenterology Vol. 163, No. 6

Supplementary Figure 6. Correlation between mRNA expression of Hes1 and Notch ligands and receptors in human

pancreatic cancer using The Cancer Genome Atlas pancreatic cancer database. RSEM, RNA-seq by expectation


December 2022

Role of Hes1 in Adult Pancreas and PDAC 1629.e8

Supplementary Figure 7. Validation of mRNA expression in Hes1 (top left) and the top 10 genes of differentially expressed

genes between Hes1KO and Hes1WT PDAC cells (n ¼ 3 in each group). Plotted values represent the mean ± standard


1629.e9 Marui et al

Gastroenterology Vol. 163, No. 6

December 2022

Role of Hes1 in Adult Pancreas and PDAC 1629.e10

Supplementary Figure 9. (A) Alcian blue staining and IHC for CK19 in the pancreas of Pdx1K;Hes1KO and Pdx1K;Hes1WT

mice. Scale bar, 100 mm. (B) Comparison of the number of ducts with diameter >20 mm between Pdx1K;Hes1KO and

Pdx1K;Hes1WT mice in the initiation and progression groups. Diameter of pancreatic ducts in CK19-positive and Alcian bluenegative area was manually measured. Plotted values represent the mean ± standard deviation. n.s.; not significant.

Supplementary Figure 8. (A) Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) revealing the significant upregulation of gene sets in

Hes1KO PDAC cells compared with that in Hes1WT PDAC cells. GOBP, Gene Ontology Biological Process. (B) Gene ontology

analysis of upregulated genes in Hes1KO PDAC cells. Subtype analysis of mice (C) PDAC and (D) human PDAC via GSEA. (D)

GSEA reveals the significant upregulation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition–related genes in Hes1-low PDAC. FDR, false

discovery rate; FWER, family-wise error rate; NES, normalized enrichment score.

1629.e11 Marui et al

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Role of Hes1 in Adult Pancreas and PDAC 1629.e12

Supplementary Figure 10. (A) Gene ontology analysis of upregulated genes in Hes1KO cultured acinar cells compared with

Hes1WT acinar cells. (B) Volcano plot of the differentially expressed genes between Hes1KO and Hes1WT in cultured acinar

cells. Significantly down-regulated or up-regulated genes are indicated in orange, whereas those with no significant changes

are indicated in blue. The black vertical dashed lines highlight log2 fold changes of 1 and 1, whereas the black horizontal

dashed line represents a P value of .05. (C) Venn diagram of the differentially expressed genes in PDAC and cultured acinar

cells by Hes1 KO (up-regulated [left] and down-regulated genes [right] by Hes1 KO). The number in each circle represents the

number of genes (jlog2 fold changej 1; P  .05).




