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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Application of Oxygen Isotope to the Studies of Hydrothermal Mineral Deposits」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Application of Oxygen Isotope to the Studies of Hydrothermal Mineral Deposits

Oyunjargal, Luvsannyam 筑波大学



This research focuses on the oxygen isotope study of the Chandmani Uul IOCG and the Date-Nagai W-skarn deposits in order to discuss origins of ore-forming fluids.

The Chandmani Uul deposit is located in Dornogovi province, southeastern Mongolia. Iron oxide ores are hosted in the andesitic rocks of the Shar Zeeg Formation of Neoproterozoic to Lower-Cambrian age. Middle- to Upper-Cambrian bodies of granitic rocks have intruded into the host rocks in the western and southern regions of the deposit. The wall rocks around the iron oxide ore bodies were hydrothermally altered to form potassic, epidote, and sericite–chlorite alteration zones, and calcite and quartz veinlets are ubiquitous in the late stage. Since granitic rocks also underwent potassic alteration, the activity of the granitic rocks must have a genetic relation to the ore deposit. The ore mineral assemblage is dominated by iron oxides such as mushketovite, euhedral magnetite with concentric and/or oscillatory zoning textures, and cauliflower magnetite. Lesser amounts of chalcopyrite and pyrite accompany the iron oxides. Among all these products, mushketovite is dominant and is distributed throughout the deposit. Meanwhile, euhedral magnetite appears in limited amounts at relatively shallow levels in the deposit. By contrast cauliflower magnetite appears locally in the deeper parts of the deposit, and is associated with green-colored garnet and calcite. Sulfide minerals are ubiquitously associated with these iron oxides.

The oxygen isotope (δ18O) values of all types of magnetite, quartz, and epidote were found to be -5.9 – -2.8‰, 10.5 – 14.9‰, and 3.6 – 6.6‰, respectively. The δ18O values of quartz–magnetite pairs suggest an equilibrium isotopic temperature near 300°C. The calculated values of δ18O for the water responsible for magnetite ranged from 2 to 10‰. All the data obtained in this study suggest that the iron oxide deposit at the Chandmani Uul is a typical iron oxide–copper–gold deposit, and that this deposit was formed at an intermediate depth with potassic and sericite–chlorite alteration zones under the oxidized conditions of a hematite-stable environment.

The δ18O range estimated implies that the ore-forming fluid was supplied by a crystallizing granodioritic magma exsolving fluids at depth with a significant contribution of meteoric water.

The skarn-type tungsten deposit of the Date-Nagai mine is genetically related to the granodiorite batholith of the Iidateyama body. Skarn develops along the contact between pelitic hornfels and marble that remains as a small roof pendant body directly above the granodiorite batholith.

Zonal arrangement of minerals is observed in skarn. The zonation consists of wollastonite, garnet, garnet-epidote and vesuvianite-garnet zones, from marble to hornfels. Sheelite is accompanied in garnet, garnet-epidote and vesuvianite-garnet zones. The oxygen isotope values of skarn minerals were obtained such as δ18O = 4.6-7.7‰ for garnet, 6.1-7.0‰ for vesuvianite, 0.2-3.7‰ for scheelite, 6.0-10.7‰ for quartz and 8.7‰ for muscovite, respectively. Temperature of skarn-formation was calculated from oxygen isotopic values of sheelite-quartz pairs to be 288°C.

Calculated oxygen isotope values of fluid responsible for skarn minerals are 6.1-9.5‰ for garnet, 1.2-4.8‰ for sheelite, -1.3-3.6‰ for quartz and 4.5‰ for muscovite, respectively. Garnet precipitated from the fluids of different δ18O values from sheelite, quartz and muscovite. These δ18O values suggest that origin of fluid responsible for garnet was magmatic water, while the evidence of the presence of a meteoric component in the fluids responsible for middle to later stage minerals was confirmed.


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