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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「松本―上田地域の中新統別所層に産する炭酸塩団塊の成因」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。





森清, 寿郎 小関, 和輝 石田, 朋志 信州大学



Middle Miocene Bessho Formation distributed in the Matsumoto-Ueda district carries various carbonate nodules, such as dolomite-, siderite-, and calcite nodules. On the basis of carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions and total carbonate contents (TCC vol. %), the origin of the nodules was discussed. A positive correlation was identified between the TCC and δ18O of the dolomiteand siderite nodules, which indicates that the decrease in δ18O is the results of temperature increase due to an increase of sediment burial. The isotopic ratio of the nodules has two linear trends in the δ13C vs. δ18O diagram. Trend 1 has a tendency to decrease δ13C as δ18O decreases, and consists of dolomite and siderite. Trend 2 is a trend in which δ13C decreases with an increase in δ18O, starting from the vicinity of the lower left edge of trend 1, and mainly consists of calcite. Trend 1 represents that the diagenetic reaction responsible for nodule formation changed from methane fermentation to thermal decarboxylation of organic matter with the progress of sediment burial. Large-sized dolomite nodules with high δ13C were formed in the shallow part of the burial, and dolomite-nodules with low δ13C and siderite were formed in the deep part of the burial. Trend 2 was formed through the following process : calcite nodules with low δ13C and high δ18O originating from sulfate reduction was subjected to groundwater infiltration after Bessho Formation uplifted, and the isotopic ratio was altered to high δ13C and low δ18O. The isotope ratio of calcite does not retain the value at the time of crystallization. Crystallization of calcite, despite high Mg/ Ca of pore water, is due to the dissolution of calcareous bioclasts contained in the sediments at the early stage of sulfate reduction.  The dolomite-nodule is not a product of the dolomitization from calcite, but is an organogenic dolomite crystallized directly from pore water by methane fermentation. The reason why dolomite crystallized in methane fermentation instead of siderite is due to the depletion of reactive iron in the sediments. This condition was caused by the extensive crystallization of pyrite at the sulfate reduction stage due to slow deposition rate of the Bessho Formation. It was revealed that a series of successive crystallization with the progress of sediment burial occurred in the Bessho sediments : calcite (sulfate reduction) → dolomite (early stage of methane fermentation) → dolomite or siderite (middle stage of methane fermentation) → dolomite (thermal decarboxylation).


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