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Kawata, Shotaro 河田, 祥太郎 カワタ, ショウタロウ 神戸大学



We construct the Capelli elements of lower degrees Ck(u) (k = 1, . . . , n) with a parameter u for the symplectic Lie algebras and orthogonal Lie algebras. They correspond to factorial Schur functions with parameter u attached to the column partitions (1k). We also give explicit formulas for Ck(u) arising from the expansion of Cn(u) of the highest degree with respect to the parameter u. We use the Jacobi-Trudi formula for the factorial Schur functions Rλ(x; u) to construct the higher Capelli elements Cλ(u). They are expressed as determinants of matrices whose entries are Capelli elements of lower degrees.


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