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The Study of Two Stage Gold Mineralization in the Xiong’ershan Goldfield, Central China

Chao, Weiwei 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/00162532



The Xiong’ershan goldfield is one of the most significant gold-producer in the North China Craton (NCC). The Luanling Au deposit is a newly found “barite-quartz” vein-type gold deposit, which contains telluride and molybdenum. Relatively, the Tantou gold deposit is a typical altered rock type gold deposit. The two deposits were chosen to conduct detailed research, including ore-forming characteristics, mineralization age, the source of ore-forming machengterials and fluids, metallogenic mechanism, and tectonic settings. Based on above study, we aim to analyze the genesis of the gold deposits, summarize the ore-forming regularity and supervise ore prospecting. This will enrich the metallogenic theory in the southern margin of the NCC.

The Luanling gold deposit occurs as barite-quartz vein hosted in the NW-trending fault. Au occurs as native gold, electrum or petzite in the fracture of sulfides. The characteristic of trace elements in pyrite indicate the pyrite in the Luanling deposit is mainly Au-free pyrite. In addition, there exists a type of Au-As-bearing pyrite. The ore-froming temperature of pyrite-quartz stage (Ⅰ) and sulfide-telluride stage (Ⅲ) is 296~377° and 241~324°, respectively. During stage (Ⅲ), logƒS2 and logƒTe2 are estimated to be -14.3~-7.3 and -17.4~-9.4, respectively. The mineralization occurs in oxidation environment. The Re content of molybdenite indicates that the ore-formning materials origin from the mixture of crust and mantle. The bulk δ34S value is 0‰~3.5‰, indicating the sulfur mainly origin from deep-seated magma. The H-O isotope data of fluid (δ18O=5.2~9.8‰,δD=-95~-71‰) and the He-Ar isotope signature of pyrite indicate the ore-forming fluid is from the mixture of crust and mantle. The model age of molybdenite (162~164Ma) imply the Luanling gold deposit formed in late Jurassic.

The Tantou gold deposit mainly occurs as mineralized altered rock hosted in NW-trending fault zone. The Luanling deposit is characterized by the occurrence of smoky gray color quartz vein or stocks. The pyrite is dominated As-bearing pyrite and Au occurs as solid solution or native gold inclusions in pyrite. The late generation pyrite contains minor Au-As-free pyrite. The Sr isotope of sulfides indicates the ore-forming materials are derived from the mixture of crust and mantle. The C-O isotope of calcite indicated C come from magma, affected by low-temperature alteration. The H-O isotope of quartz indicates the ore-forming fluid is mainly derived from magmatic or metamorphic hydrothermal fluids, mixed with meteoric water in late stage. The Rb-Sr isochron age of sulfides is 124.2±3.1Ma, indicating the mineralization occurred in late Cretaceous.

The Luanling gold deposit formed in the early stage of the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Ocean, as a result of asthernosphere upwelling and thickened lower crust melting. While the Tantou gold deposit is associated the destruction of the NCC, triggered by the large-scale lithosphere thinning.



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