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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Octacalcium phosphate crystals including a higher density dislocation improve its materials osteogenecity」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Octacalcium phosphate crystals including a higher density dislocation improve its materials osteogenecity

Hamai, Ryo 大阪大学



Herein, we show that the enhanced osteogenecity of octacalcium phosphate (OCP) biomaterial, recently identified as an important element in hybrid organic–inorganic nanocomposites involved in the initial hy- droxyapatite crystal expansion in mammal bones, results from an enhanced chemical property, stemming from the presence of lattice strain and dislocations. Two types of OCPs were synthesized by wet-chemical processing in the presence (c-OCP) and absence (w-OCP) of gelatin, respectively, and subjected to struc- tural, chemical, and biological analyses. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and fast Fourier transform (FFT) analyses revealed that c-OCP crystals contained approximately six times higher edge dislocations with Burgers vectors perpendicular to a-axis than that in the case of w-OCP. The dissolution of c-OCP crystal in tris-HCl buffer occurred toward the long axis of the crystal, most likely, toward the lattice strain along the c-axis direction, while w-OCP crystal dissolved toward the a- axis direction. The study suggested that the increment of internal energy by the higher dislocation den- sity contributed promoting c-OCP dissolution and hydrolysis through decreasing the activation energy. c-OCP crystal displayed enhanced in vitro mesenchymal stem 2D cell and 3D spheroid differentiation, in vivo bone formation, and apatite crystallographic orientation in critical-sized rat calvarial defect model as compared to w-OCP crystal, at the same time, converting to apatite structure earlier than w-OCP. The present study demonstrates that dislocation-related dissolution along with enhanced conversion of OCP is a determinant in bone induction, which may be relevant to normal bone development utilizing OCP biomaterials.



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