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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Study on earthquake resistance of fill dam using centrifuge shaking model tests」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Study on earthquake resistance of fill dam using centrifuge shaking model tests

Tun Tun Win 東京農工大学



Embankments such as fill dams, roads, and railways are usually constructed by unsaturated geo-materials and retained under unsaturated conditions during their in-service periods. Dynamic motions such as earthquakes and traffic loads affect the stabilities of the embankments. To evaluate that kind of situation, it is necessary to investigate seismic properties of unsaturated soils. However, there are few studies investigating mechanical properties of unsaturated soils under cyclic loadings. The objective of this study is to clarify seismic properties of fill dams by using element and model tests. One objective is to investigate cyclic properties of an unsaturated silt under various cyclic loading conditions, while the other is to investigate the stress-dilatancy relationships; the relation of plastic strain increment ratio, -dԑvp/dγp vs. stress ratio: q/p’ and derive the plastic potential function of the unsaturated silt by conducting cyclic triaxial compression tests. The third objective is to clarify how differences of water contents and frequencies affect to failures and behaviors of pore pressure of the fill dam models during earthquake shaking.

Cyclic triaxial compression tests under various loading conditions were conducted to identify the properties in the element test level. The material used is an artificial silty soil named DL clay. The sample was prepared with water content 17 % and dry density 1.3 g/cm3. The tests were performed under the single net confining pressure σ3net = σ 3 – ua = 100 kPa and five different values of the constant suction s = 0, 10, 30, 60, and 90 kPa. Cyclic shear loadings were applied under three different stress conditions: constant stress ratio, constant axial strain and increased shear strain by controlling a constant shearing strain rate of 0.05 %/min. It was found that the stiffness of the soil increased with an increase in suction and the number of cyclic loadings. The application of higher suction values inhibited the plastic deformations. The amounts of volume reduction decreased with an increased in suction. When the numbers of cyclic loading and suction increased, the dilation also increased. Each unique stress-dilatancy relation could be found in each loading and unloading for an unsaturated soil. The relations were similar to those of saturated soils under cyclic loadings. Plastic potential functions for the unsaturated soil could be identified by the stress-dilatancy relations. According to this finding, the proposed plastic potential functions will be used in the estimation of permanent deformation of embankments.

Centrifuge shaking model tests for fill dams under a different water content and frequency were conducted by using the different soil particle as DL clay, silty soil and silica sand No.6, sandy soil and different slope gradient as 1:1.5 and 1:2.5. Models were constructed under the same compaction degree for each soil sample.


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