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ジッティア, ナウォディー, ウィジェシンハ NAWODI, WIJESINGHE, JITHYA 九州大学



Andosols are im portant agric ultur e soils in Japan and frequently characterized by thick humic horizons accumulating large am ount of soil organic carbon (SOC). However, the genesis and accumulation processes of the SOC in Andosols ar e still unc lear, and the information on the movement of the SOC would be a key to understand them. In Andosols, the m ovem ent of the other elem ents in the soil profiles should also be clarified, because the repeated application of agricultural materials including plant nutr ients for agr icultur al pr oduction has caused envir onm ental issues such as eutrophic ation due to discharge of these elements to surrounding ar eas. A soil profile with well-preserved horizons would provide a very good opportunity to study the long-term movem ent of such elements in soils, and a buried humic horizon under thick tephra deposits would be suitable for investigating m ovem ent of C with 14 C dating technique with high accuracy since those covering tephra deposits have preserved past conditions fr om recent anthropogenic influences and external input of modern C. In the present study, the movement of C and other elem ents including Ca2 +, Mg2+, Na+, and P were clarified by investigating 14C age of SOC fractions and depth profile of those elements in Andosols.

 To clarify the mobility of SOC, a well-preserved buried humic horizon of an Andosol was collected fr om the depth between 147 and 187 cm at 5 cm-interval (total 8 sub-horizon samples), and SOC fractions were prepared fr om each sub-horizon sample by extraction and pr ecipitation procedures, resulting in humin, humic acid, and four fulvic acid fractions. The aver age rate of vertical translocation of each SOC fraction determined by the 14 C dating technique was very low ( 4 mm per century), im plying that the ver tic al tr anslocation of SOC would not be the main mechanisms for form ing the thick hum ic hor izons in Andosols. In addition, stable isotopic ratio of C and N revealed that most of the SOC fractions have not been well-metabolized, indic ating that they have been fixed in situ right after photosynthesis by plants at the ear ly stage of soil formation and chemically stabilized at the soil surface, by fir e events to form charred materials, etc. Thus, in Andosols, high content of SOC found at deeper position than several cm depth from the soil surface would not be supplied through overlaying layer s by infiltr ation but form ed in situ on soil surface, and successive up-building accumulation of soil partic les containing SOC would have contributed to the formation of the thick humic horizons.

 To clarify the movement of the other elements, the depth profiles of available Ca2+, Mg2 +, Na+, and P wer e investigated in Andosols, and they were com pared between a sec ondary for est soil and an adjacent rec laimed gr assland soil which has received fertilizer s for a half century. The comparison revealed that the Ca and Mg applied as fertilizer ingredients have reached at least 100 cm depth as exc hangeable Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the fertilized grassland soil during a half century. Similar trend was observed for exchangeable Na+. Soil available P (Bray II P) was also observed to be increased at 80 to 100 cm depth in the fertilized grassland soil although the mobility was lower than those of the exchangeable Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+.

 Overall, the present study clarified the very low mobility of SOC in Andosols, together with higher mobility for available P and the highest for exchangeable Ca2 +, Mg2 +, and Na+. The findings in the present study would contribute to understand the mechanisms of SOC accumulation and adequate management of plant nutrients in Andosols for sustainable use.



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