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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Studies on the myoglobin reduction mechanism in red-fleshed fish meat」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Studies on the myoglobin reduction mechanism in red-fleshed fish meat

Xu Yanli 東北大学



As an indicator of the freshness and quality, meat color can influence consumers acceptability and purchase decisions (Al-Shaibani et al. 1977b). Meat color greatly depends on the content and state of muscle pigment, most of which is myoglobin (Mb). Mb is an oxygen-binding heme protein, responsible for intracellular oxygen storage, buffering intracellular oxygen concentrations and facilitation of oxygen diffusion. Depending on its redox state, Mb exists as either of three derivatives, namely, deoxymyoglobin (deoxyMb), oxymyoglobin (oxyMb) and metmyoglobin (metMb). DeoxyMb contains ferrous iron at the center of heme and thus gives dark purplish red color. OxyMb is formed by oxygenation of deoxyMb, which has a diatomic oxygen attached to the sixth coordination site of the ferrous iron. Therefore, saturating Mb with oxygen provides attractive bright-red color to meat because of oxyMb formation. The oxidation of the ferrous form to a ferric state results in the formation of brown metMb. MetMb has a water molecule bound at the sixth coordination site of the ferric iron, which is incapable of binding oxygen. The formation and accumulation of metMb are associated with meat discoloration (AMSA 2012). Generally, in living muscles, metMb is not accumulated, as metMb-reducing enzyme systems maintain the physiological role of Mb and could be relevant to the maintenance of fresh meat color. In this connection, the presence of NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase and an electron carrier (cytochrome b5 located in the outer membrane of mitochondria) has been verified in the mitochondrial fraction of bovine muscle (Arihara et al. 1995). Furthermore, mitochondria have an ability to keep color stability of beef via mitochondria-mediated metMb reducing activity. Although the researches on the role of mitochondria in beef color and its stability have been frequently discussed, very little information is available on mitochondrial function in fish muscle in relation with metMb reduction and meat color stability. Many migratory fish species, such as tuna, have considerable amount of Mb, and consequently, undesirable fast meat discoloration is encountered when improperly stored.

Therefore, the objective of this study was to explore the role of mitochondrial fraction in metMb reduction in tuna meat.


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