
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Post-induction MRD by FCM and GATA1-PCR are significant prognostic factors for myeloid leukemia of Down syndrome.」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Post-induction MRD by FCM and GATA1-PCR are significant prognostic factors for myeloid leukemia of Down syndrome.

TAGA Takashi 30273410 0000-0003-0525-4766 TANAKA Shiro HASEGAWA Daisuke 0000-0002-9446-9568 TERUI Kiminori TOKI Tsutomu 0000-0002-0061-9781 IWAMOTO Shotaro 0000-0002-7710-2449 HIRAMATSU Hidefumi 0000-0003-3136-5670 MIYAMURA Takako 0000-0002-3226-556X HASHII Yoshiko MORITAKE Hiroshi 0000-0001-5471-7646 NAKAYAMA Hideki 0000-0002-1994-113X TAKAHASHI Hiroyuki 0000-0001-8763-0280 SHIMADA Akira TAKI Tomohiko ITO Etsuro 0000-0002-0168-2475 HAMA Asahito 0000-0002-7582-0201 ITO Masafumi KOH Katsuyoshi 0000-0002-0476-4978 HASEGAWA Daiichiro SAITO Akiko M. ADACHI Souichi TOMIZAWA Daisuke 0000-0003-1520-7007 滋賀医科大学



Myeloid leukemia of Down syndrome (ML-DS) is associated with good response to chemotherapy, resulting in favorable outcomes. However, no universal prognostic factors have been identified to date. To clarify a subgroup with high risk of relapse, the role of minimal residual disease (MRD) was explored in the AML-D11 trial by the Japanese Pediatric Leukemia/Lymphoma Study Group. MRD was prospectively evaluated at after induction therapy and at the end of all chemotherapy, using flow cytometry (FCM-MRD) and GATA1-targeted deep sequencing (GATA1-MRD). A total of 78 patients were eligible and 76 patients were stratified to the standard risk (SR) group by morphology. In SR patients, FCM-MRD and GATA1-MRD after induction were positive in 5/65 and 7/59 patients, respectively. Three-year event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS) rates were 93.3% and 95.0% in the FCM-MRD-negative population, and 60.0% and 80.0% in the positive population. Three-year EFS and OS rates were both 96.2% in the GATA1-MRD-negative population, and 57.1% and 71.4% in the positive population. Adjusted hazard ratios for associations of FCM-MRD or GATA1-MRD with EFS were 10.98 (p = 0.01) and 27.68 (p < 0.01), respectively. Detection of MRD by either FCM or GATA1 after initial induction therapy represents a significant prognostic factor for predicting ML-DS relapse.




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Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2019;66:e27942 https://doi.org/10.1002/



Takashi Taga 1 Shiro Tanaka2 Daisuke Hasegawa 3 Kiminori Terui4 Tsutomu Toki 4 Shotaro Iwamoto 5

Hidefumi Hiramatsu 6 Takako Miyamura 7 Yoshiko Hashii8 Hiroshi Moritake 9 Hideki Nakayama 10

Hiroyuki Takahashi 11 Akira Shimada12 Tomohiko Taki13 Etsuro Ito 4 Asahito Hama 14 Masafumi Ito15

Katsuyoshi Koh 16 Daiichiro Hasegawa17 Akiko M. Saito18 Souichi Adachi19 Daisuke Tomizawa 20

Department of Pediatrics, Shiga University of Medical Science,

Otsu, Japan


Department of Pediatrics, Toho University, Tokyo, Japan


Department of Pediatrics, Okayama University Graduate School of

Medicine, Okayama, Japan


Laboratory of Clinical Hematology, Department of Medical

Technology, Kyorin University Faculty of Health Sciences,

Mitaka, Japan

Department of Clinical Biostatistics, Graduate School of Medicine

Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Department of Pediatrics, St Luke’s International Hospital,

Tokyo, Japan

Department of Pediatrics, Hirosaki University Graduate School of

Medicine, Hirosaki, Japan


Department of Hematology and Oncology, Children’s Medical

Center, Japanese Red Cross Nagoya First Hospital, Nagoya, Japan

Department of Pediatrics, Mie University Graduate School of

Medicine, Tsu, Japan


Department of Pathology, Japanese Red Cross Nagoya First

Hospital, Nagoya, Japan

Department of Pediatrics, Graduate School of Medicine Kyoto

University, Kyoto, Japan


Department of Hematology/Oncology, Saitama Children’s

Medical Center, Saitama, Japan

Department of Pediatrics, Osaka University Graduate School of

Medicine, Suita, Japan


Department of Hematology/Oncology, Hyogo Children’s Medical

Center, Kobe, Japan

Department of Cancer Immunotherapy, Osaka University

Graduate School of Medicine, Suita, Japan


Clinical Research Center, National Hospital Organization Nagoya

Medical Center, Nagoya, Japan

Division of Pediatrics, Department of Reproductive and

Developmental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of

Miyazaki, Miyazaki, Japan


Human Health Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan


Division of Leukemia and Lymphoma, Children’s Cancer Center,

National Center for Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan


Department of Pediatrics, Kyushu Cancer Center, Fukuoka, Japan




