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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「An Automated Generation of Bootstrap Equations for Numerical Study of Critical Phenomena」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




An Automated Generation of Bootstrap Equations for Numerical Study of Critical Phenomena

呉, 孟超 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002004682



as δS = ∫ ddx(hσ + tϵ). From the dimensional analysis, the scalings for t, h are ∆t = d − ∆є, ∆h = d − ∆σ and the critical exponents are related with the scaling dimensions of σ, ϵ by
β = ∆σ/d − ∆є, (2)

ν = 1/ d − ∆є. (3)

A conformal field theory (CFT) is a quantum field theory (QFT) with conformal symmetry, which has Euclidean or Poincaré group as a subgroup and is enhanced by scale invariance. The scale invariance arises, e.g., in the critical phenomena of lattice theory like the O(N ) vector model or the Ising model on the d-dimensional lattice. Rescaling of a field theory generates a flow of Wilson’s renormalization group (RG), and the critical points, which are the fixed points of the flow, are scale invariant. A conformal transformation x → xr is an x-dependent local rescaling ω(x) > 0 with a rotation Λµ (x) ∈ O(d)
∂xrµ µ/∂xν = ω(x)Λ ν(x), (1)
and the conformal symmetry is a natural generalization of the Euclidean symmetry, which is a fundamental spacetime symmetry of a usual QFT. In general, a scale invariant theory is also conformal invariant.

It is well-known that the RG fixed point of φ4 theory in 3 dimensions, the Ising model in 3 di- mensions at the critical temperature, and the behavior of water at the critical point are described by the same CFT. This property at the IR limit is called the critical universality, and it is conjectured that any theory with the same symmetry reaches the same CFT at the continuum limit regardless of its microscopic details. The Ising model has Z2 symmetry which flips all spins. Other impor- tant examples are the O(N ) vector models, which have O(N ) symmetry which rotates all spins. The O(2) model describes the superfluid transition in 4He and measurements of specific heat was done in the space shuttle STS-52.

The scaling dimensions ∆ of operators in a CFT are related with the critical exponents. Take a lattice theory with spin field φ around the critical temperature T ≈ Tc. The critical exponents β, ν are defined by the power law of the following quantities:
• the magnetization: m ∼ (−t)β,
• the correlation length: ξ ∼ |t|−ν,
where t = (T − Tc)/Tc is the reduced temperature, h is the magnetic field coupling with φ. Let the deformation of the Hamiltonian from the critical point be described by primary operators σ, ϵ

The observable quantities in a CFT are correlation functions ⟨O1(x1) · · · On(xn)⟩; the S ma- trix is not well-defined in a CFT due to the Coleman-Mandula’s theorem. We later show that all correlation functions are determined by the CFT data { ∆i, λijk } in a unitary CFT, and a four- point function ⟨φ1φ2φ3φ4⟩ in a CFT can be constructed from three-point functions, but in more than one way, depending on how to group the four operators for the operator product expansions (OPEs): (φ1φ2)(φ3φ4), (φ1φ3)(φ2φ4) or (φ1φ4)(φ2φ3) shown in Figure 1. The bootstrap equation expresses the equality of the four-point function computed in these different decompositions, and is one of the fundamental consistency conditions of a CFT. The conformal bootstrap program aims to solve the CFT data non-perturbatively from the bootstrap equation with the knowledge about the global symmetry of the theory and without a microscopic description such as a Lagrangian.

Figure 1: OPE in a four-point function

The bootstrap equation has been known for almost a third of a century; for other early papers, we refer the reader to the footnote 5 of [1]. It is particularly powerful in d = 2 where the conformal group is infinite dimensional and generated by the Virasoro algebra, and was already successfully applied for the study of 2d CFT in 1984. Its application to CFTs in dimension higher than two had to wait until 2008, where the seminal paper [2] showed that a clever rewriting into a form wherelinear programming was applicable allowed us to extract detailed numerical information from the bootstrap equation. The technique was rap idly developed by many groups and has been applied to many systems. By now, we have many good introductory review articles on this approach, which make the entry to this fascinating and rapidly growing subject easier.

Previously, the study of a CFT has been done by the Monte Carlo (MC) simulation on lattice theory, the direct measurements of physical system at critical point and perturbative loop diagram computations. The MC simulations cannot handle systems with infinite size, and appropriate corrections are needed to obtain results at infinite size limit from finite systems. The direct mea- surements was done in the space shuttle STS-52, and the results about the specific heat of liquid helium near the lambda point tell us the scaling dimension ∆є of the first O(2) invariant primary scalar ϵ in the three dimensional O(2) vector model:
∆є = 1.50946(22). (4)

Two primary examples of perturbation methods are the large-N expansion and the ϵ-expansion. Summarizing these results on the three dimensional Ising model, we have
∆σ = 0.5182(3), ∆є = 1.413(1). (5)

The conformal bootstrap applied for the same CFT shows that the relevant scaling dimensions
(∆σ, ∆є) must reside in a small island whose bounding box is,
∆σ = 0.5181489(10), ∆є = 1.412625(10). (6)

The assumption used is the unitarity of the theory, Z2 invariance and that σ, ϵ are the only relevant primary scalars, i.e., other primary scalars have ∆ ≥ d = 3. The tininess of the island (6) explains the critical universality; any CFT with the same symmetry and same number of relevant operators must have quite close scaling dimensions to those of the Ising model. The universality could be proven by showing that the island shrinks to the Ising point.

The developments in the conformal bootstrap have been helped by various computing tools. For example, we have SDPB, an efficient solver of semidefinite programming (SDP) designed for the conformal bootstrap, and SDP generators written in Python, namely PyCFTBoot and cboot, and in Julia, JuliBootS. There is also a Mathematica package to generate 4d bootstrap equations of arbitrary spin.

To study some CFT with bootstrap, the first step is to enumerate the physical properties of the system such as the global symmetry or the number of relevant primaries and then proceed along the path in Figure 2. The second step to write bootstrap equations has been ad hoc and done only by hand or with some help of Mathematica, and is automated by our autoboot. We have some libraries in some programming languages for the third step to convert to a computable optimization problem, and our qboot aims to handle more generic assumption on the spectrum. SDP solvers such as SDPA or SDPB complete the last step and from their results, we can get in- formation on the CFT. Now we can use free software in step 2, 3 and 4, and since our autoboot, qboot are designed to work smoothly with SDPB, a researcher can concentrate on the first step.

This thesis is based on a published paper [3] collaborated with Yuji Tachikawa, and a single- authored paper [4] to appear. The code is freely available at https://github.com/selpoG/ autoboot/ and https://github.com/selpoG/qboot/.


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