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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「複雑地形におけるウィンドファーム配置最適化」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。





オマ, モハメド, アリ, モハメド, イブラヒム OMAR, MOHAMED, ALI, MOHAMED, IBRAHIM 九州大学



Kyushu University Institutional Repository

オマ, モハメド, アリ, モハメド, イブラヒム

出版情報:Kyushu University, 2019, 博士(学術), 課程博士

(様式3)Form 3

名 : オマ モハメド アリ モハメド イブラヒム


Omar Mohamed Ali Mohamed Ibrahim


Wind Farm Layout Optimization over Complex Terrain

論 文 名 : (複雑地形におけるウィンドファーム配置最適化)

分 : 甲 (Kou)
論 文 内 容 の 要 旨
Thesis Summary

Over the last decade, more onshore wind farms were constructed over or near to complex terrain such as:
hills and mountains. Complex terrain can affect wind flow, wind turbine performance, and power output. This
thesis examined the flow over a steep two-dimensional hill as well as the performance of a turbine located
over the same hill. A good agreement between Experimental and Numerical simulations was achieved for the
average vertical wind speed profiles. These results displayed the impact of the steep hill on air flow.
Moment acting on turbine was lowest upstream of the hill, and highest at the top of the hill. This is due
to the higher wind speed at the top of the hill compared to upstream wind speed. A good agreement between
wind tunnel test and CFD results was achieved for the wind turbine power coefficient by using the Transition
SST model. The Transition SST model yielded better results than the SST k-omega turbulence model
specifically at high tip speed ratios.
In this thesis, an engineering wake model, that considers acceleration on a two-dimensional hill, was
developed based on the momentum theory. The model consists of the wake width and wake wind speed. The
equation to calculate the rotor thrust, which is calculated by the wake wind speed profiles, was also formulated.
In this thesis, a wind-tunnel test was conducted to investigate wake development over a two-dimensional
hill in simple flow conditions, where a uniform approach-flow with turbulence intensity less than 0.5 % was
used. Conducting the wind-tunnel test in such simple flow conditions was necessary for this study in order to
investigate the effect of the hill on wake development and evaluate the new wake model without the influence
of the ABL, ground roughness, or turbulence.
Wake width was about 0.29D at the top of the hill (location 5), and about 1.09D at location 9 downstream
of the hill. This means that the hill has caused the wake to accelerate and shrink upstream of the hill, and to
decelerate and expand downstream of the hill.
The wake model was compared with the wind-tunnel test, and the results obtained by using the wake
model were close to the wind-tunnel test results. The wake model was able to estimate the wake shrinkage
in an accelerating two-dimensional wind field, and the percentage difference between the measured and
estimated wake width at locations 3, 4, and 5 was 13.3%, 23.6%, and 48.9% respectively. The measured wake
width at the top of the hill was lower than the estimated value (by the wake model), this could be because the
wake center at the top of the hill was moved downwards due to the hill effect; this wake center movement
must be confirmed with further studies.
Further numerical studies will be important to evaluate the new wake model at distances farther than
3D away from the rotor, as it was difficult to do so in the wind-tunnel due to the size limitation of the test
section. In the wind-tunnel test, the hill surface was smooth as it was made of ABS resin, however, the surface

roughness may affect wind speed profiles over the hill. Consequently, the effect of the surface roughness on
wake development must be considered in the future studies.
Further experimental and numerical studies where the approach-flow represents real atmospheric
conditions (where the ABL is reproduced) are required to investigate wake development over the hill in
conditions that wind turbine experience in the field. Finally, further modifications to the wake model are
necessary to include the effect of turbulence and ground roughness on wake development over the hill, and to
extend the wake model to decelerating wind field (downstream of the hill).



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Appendix A

Wind Turbine Load Measurement in the Wake over the hill

The objective of this configuration was to measure the load of a wind turbine operating in the wake

of another wind turbine over the hill as shown in Figure A.1. The 1st wind turbine was located at

X=-L. The 2nd wind turbine was located at X=-L/2, X = 0, X = L/2, and X = L. Both wind turbines

had a diameter D = 0.512 m. The inlet wind velocity was 7 m/s. The forces acting on wind turbine

in X, Y, and Z directions as well as the moments around X, Y, and Z directions were measured

using a 6 component load cell.




Figure A.1 (a) Wind tunnel test configuration setup; (b) a schematic diagram of the

measurement setup.

Cp and Ct of the 2nd wind turbine were obtained at X = - 780 mm, X = 0, X = 780

mm, and X = 1560 mm as shown in Figure A.2 to A.9. Rotational speeds of the 1st

wind turbine was n = 783 rpm, 1044 rpm, and 1306 rpm.


Figure A.2 1st WT at x=-1560mm, 2nd WT at x= -780mm


Figure A.3 1st WT at x=-1560mm, 2nd WT at x= -780mm


Figure A.4 1st WT at x=-1560mm, 2nd WT at x=0.


Figure A.5 1st WT at x=-1560mm, 2nd WT at x=0.


Figure A.6 1stWT at x=-1560mm, 2nd WT at x=+780mm.


Figure A.7 1st WT at x=-1560mm, 2ndWT at x=+780mm.


Figure A.8 1stWT at x=-1560mm, 2ndWT at x=+1560mm.


Figure A.9 1stWT at x=-1560mm, 2ndWT at x=+1560mm.


Appendix B

Wind Turbine Load Measurement in the Wake over Flat Terrain

The objective of this configuration was to measure the load of a wind turbine operating in the wake

of another wind turbine over flat terrain as shown in Figure B.1. The 1st wind turbine was located

at X=-L. The 2nd wind turbine was located at X = 0. Both wind turbines had a diameter D = 0.512

m. The inlet wind velocity was 7 m/s. The forces acting on wind turbine in X, Y, and Z directions

as well as the moments around X, Y, and Z directions were measured using a 6 component load

cell. Figure B.2 shows a comparison between the two-dimensional hill and the flat terrain.




Figure B.1 (a) Wind tunnel test configuration setup; (b) a schematic diagram of the

measurement setup.




Figure B.2 A comparison between the two-dimensional hill and the flat terrain (a)

Power coefficient; (b) Thrust coefficient.




