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金, 晟眞 SUNG, JIN, KIM キム, ソンジン 九州大学



The transports of scalars such as heat and gases are generated by turbulence near the water surface. In natural water-environments, the wind stress acting on the water surface is deeply connected to the intensity of the near-surface turbulence. In addition, the water surface is heated or cooled by the solar radiation or the radiative cooling, respectively, and thus dynamically stable or unstable stratification occurs in the water body. Turbulent properties near the water surface vary depending on the thermal stratification effects, by which the vertical mixing is suppressed in the case of stable stratification, whereas under the condition of unstable stratification, large-scale convective motions appear so as to promote the vertical mixing. The wind stress on the water surface, i.e., the surface shear stress, and the thermal stratification are considered to be typical dynamical factors changing turbulent flows and scalar transports of heat and gases in natural water-environments. Thus, the relations of these dynamical factors with the near-surface turbulence and the scalar transports are very important for understanding the environmental variation in natural water-environments such as the ocean, lake and river.

 The relation between the scalar transport velocity and representative turbulent quantities has often been examined on the basis of fundamental scalar transport models. The surface-renewal theory, the large-eddy model, the small-eddy model and the surface divergence model are considered to be typical scalar transport models. Among them, the surface divergence model may have relatively high applicability to various flow fields. The validation and the modification of these transport models become important research tasks to establish more universal models for the scalar transport generated by turbulence near the water surface. Besides, findings about the near-surface properties of simpler turbulent fields are considered to be very useful for comprehending the scalar transport mechanism.

 In this study, we analyzed numerically the combined effects of the surface shear stress and the thermal stratification on the near-surface turbulent properties and the heat transport flux at the water surface by means of the direct numerical simulation, i.e., DNS. Thermally-stratified open-channel flows affected by the surface shear stress were numerically reproduced, and the dependence of the heat transport flux on the near-surface turbulence was examined in detail under various surface shear stress and thermal stratification conditions. In particular, we focused on the applicability of the surface divergence model to the scalar transport in the presence of the combined effects of these two factors. We also analyzed the near-surface properties of oscillating-grid turbulence, which is a simple turbulent field having approximately zero-mean flow, by using the k-ε turbulence model and a simple mathematical model description. Moreover, we carried out the normalization of the scalar transport velocity using a new turbulent time scale combining macro and micro turbulent scales. The validations of these approaches were investigated by comparing the results with existing experimental data of oscillating-grid turbulence. The results and findings obtained from this research are summarized as follows:

 In Chapter 1, we explained the background and the importance of this research topic. The scalar transports of heat and gases at the water surface are closely connected to the exchange process of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and ocean. Thus, the present study can be positioned as a fundamental research to understand the mechanism of the air-sea transfer of carbon dioxide. We also described the idea behind this research, and the objectives and the outline of the thesis.

 Chapter 2 provided the reviews on the basic theories on the scalar transport mechanism and the near-surface turbulence, to focus on important problems in related fields from a viewpoint of fluid dynamics. In particular, we discussed the typical scalar transport models such as the surface-renewal theory, the large-eddy model, the small-eddy model and the surface divergence model, describing theoretically the scalar transport velocity. Numerical and experimental methods for examining turbulence-generated scalar transport were also described on the basis of previous research works.

 In Chapter 3, we analyzed numerically the open-channel flow, including the effects of the surface shear stress and the thermal stratification by means of the DNS. The numerical results showed that high speed streaky structures near the water surface appear under the condition of the positive surface shear stress, and the spatial scale of the streaky structures depends on the thermal stratification effect. The dependences of the average surface flow velocity on the dimensionless surface shear stress and the Richardson number were shown to be linear relations. It was found that the spatial pattern of the positive surface divergence controlling the downward heat transport flux on the water surface is changed by the combination of the dimensionless surface shear stress and the Richardson number. In addition, the relation between the rms value of the surface divergence and the Richardson number varies depending on the dimensionless surface shear stress. The numerical results showed the rms value of the surface divergence to be universally expressed with the Taylor micro scale even in the presence of the combined effects of these two factors. The surface divergence model was found to be approximately applicable to the thermally-stratified open-channel turbulence affected by the surface shear stress, but the coefficient of the divergence model depends on these two factors. Based on the numerical findings in this study, a simple modification was made for the surface divergence model.

 In Chapter 4, we analyzed numerically the near-surface properties of oscillating-grid turbulence by using the k-ε turbulence model, and also described such properties based on a simple mathematical model. These model analyses reproduced approximately how turbulent characteristic quantities such as the turbulent energy and the energy dissipation rate deform in the vicinity of the water surface. In addition, a modeling of the scalar transport velocity was made by introducing an empirical coupling time scale based on two turbulent time scales, which are macro and micro time scales. The validity of the normalization with the coupling time scale was verified in comparison with existing experimental data obtained in oscillating-grid turbulence. The behavior of the experimental data showed a clear kink around a certain critical Reynolds number, and in smaller region than the critical Reynolds number, the scalar transport velocity fits to the -1/2 power law, i.e., the large-eddy model, while the -1/4 power law for the small-eddy model appears in the larger region. The proposed normalization relation agrees approximately with the behaviors of the both. We obtained the empirical expression of the scalar transport velocity applicable to a wide range of turbulent Reynolds numbers, though its applicability should be examined in more detail.

 The conclusions of this thesis were described in Chapter 5 by summarizing the results and the findings.




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