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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Development of a two-field combining device "Field Stacker" for accurate monitoring observations at mid-infrared wavelengths」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Development of a two-field combining device "Field Stacker" for accurate monitoring observations at mid-infrared wavelengths

内山, 允史 東京大学 DOI:10.15083/0002001882



In standard theory, a giant collision called “Giant impact” is considered to occur at the final stage of the earth-like planet formation. However, it has not been clearly observed so far because it is a flash-like event in optical and near-infrared wavelengths. Mid-infrared is very useful for detecting the event. Cascade collisions followed by the Giant impact continuously supply small dust grains in the disk for over 100-1000 orbital periods. The grains shine very brightly at the mid-infrared wavelength, and thus the Giant impact can be observed as time variability of the mid-infrared flux. Actually, significant time variations of young stars in the mid-infrared wavelengths have been reported in recent papers (Melis et al. 2012, Meng et al. 2014 and 2015, and etc.). In order to increase a number of samples, we need to carry out monitoring survey for many objects at mid-infrared wavelengths. However current mid-infrared instruments on ground-based telescopes do not have su伍cient capability for monitoring observations.

We have developed an optical device “Field Stacker” for realizing the accurate monitoring from the ground. It is a device to combine two arbitrary fields of a wide telescope field of view (FoV) and carry out simultaneous observation of a science target and a reference star. This enables real time correction of atmospheric variations and improves the photometric accuracy. In this research, we set a monitoring accuracy of 2% as a goal of the development. This is five times higher than the accuracy empirically achieved by conventional mid-infrared instruments.

One important factor limiting the photometric accuracy is tilt errors of mirrors caused by moving stages of Field Stacker. Acceptable error of the misalignment of each pick-up mirror is estimated to be < 8.5 x 10-3 degree from a simple geometric calculation. The actual tilt error measured in the laboratory almost satisfied this requirement. The degradation of the photometric accuracy was estimated to be 1.1%.

Another factor to degrade the photometric accuracy is spatial difference in atmospheric transmittance. Field Stacker can fetch two fields with the distance of up to 25 arc-minutes which is about 10 times greater than the FoV of the conventional instruments. It is necessary to consider the difference of the transmittance in this spatial separation. We have estimated it based on mid-infrared data obtained by miniTAO/MAX38 assuming a simple model of the atmospheric structure. The estimated difference was 0.13% at 37 μm, and less than 0.1% at shorter wavelengths.

In order to evaluate on-sky performance of Field Stacker, we conducted engineering obser­vation in July 2018 on the Subaru telescope. Simultaneous observation of two bright stars, V 582 Cas and V 530 Cas, was performed at 11.6 μm for 16 minutes. Stellar images taken with Field Stacker almost achieved diffraction limited spatial resolution, and the images of two stars obtained at the same time showed very similar spatial patterns. It suggested that the wavefront error was almost similar for the both stars and may be caused in relatively lower layer of the atmosphere. Time series of the apparent fluxes of the stars showed significant variations. The peak to valley variation reached at 10% level of the photometric count. Those variations were synchronized very well and showed a negative correlation with background flux. It indicated that the variations were due to the fluctuation of the atmospheric trans­mittance. On the contrary, the ratio of the photometric counts did not show significant time variation, suggesting that the variation was effectively cancelled by Field Stacker. Standard deviation of the ratios was 1.7% of the averaged ratio. By stacking the images and reducing the photometric noise, the photometric accuracy improved to 0.9% with a 14 sec integration.

Another consideration is how wide area or how many objects can be observed with Field Stacker. To evaluate it, a number density of reference stars was examined based on all­sky infrared catalogues to estimate the availability of the Field Stacker. The estimated availabilities at 9 and 18 μm were 99.9% and 59.6%, respectively. This means that almost 100% AKARI S9W sources can be observed with Field Stacker in the N-band. In the Q-band, the observable objects are almost 60% of the AKARI L18W sources which are almost galactic sources.


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