
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「ナラ枯れを引き起こすカシノナガキクイムシの寄主選択過程」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。





山﨑, 理正 京都大学 DOI:10.3330/hikakuseiriseika.39.44



養菌性キクイムシであるカシノナガキクイムシ(Platypus quercivorus)は, 病原菌を運搬し, ブナ科樹木の集団枯死, ナラ枯れを引き起こす。被害を抑えるためには, その生態を明らかにする必要がある。寄主木としては集中分布する太い木が好まれ, そのような木でカシノナガキクイムシに穿孔される確率が高くなる1つの要因として, 寄主として好適な樹種の樹冠密度が重要であることが野外調査で明らかになった。被害木の分布を解析した結果, カシノナガキクイムシは直近の木には移動分散しないことが示唆された。 フライトミルを用いた研究では, カシノナガキクイムシが最大で30 km 近く飛翔すること, 飛翔によって正の走光性は低下し, 寄主として好適な樹種の葉からの揮発性物質に対する選好性は上昇することが明らかになった。オルファクトメーターを用いた研究では, カシノナガキクイムシが寄主として好適な樹種の葉からの揮発性物質には誘引され, 寄主として不適な樹種の葉からの揮発性物質は忌避することが示された。また, 寄主として好適な樹種の新鮮な葉からの揮発性物質には誘引されるが, 乾燥した葉からの揮発性物質には誘引されないことも明らかになった。材片を用いた研究では, カシノナガキクイムシが樹幹上の溝の開口幅ではなく, 角度を認識し, 穿孔行動に移ることが示された。これら一連の研究で示唆された, カシノナガキクイムシの寄主選択過程について考察した。
Ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus causes a mass mortality of oak trees, Japanese oak wilt, by transporting a pathogenic fungus from trees to trees. Clarifying the ecology of the beetle is essential for the management of this disease in a field. Field studies revealed that clumped thick trees are attacked by the beetle in high probability, and that canopy density of host is one of the factors which increase the beetle attack probability. Analysis of the distribution of attacked trees in a forest suggested that beetles don’t disperse to the close vicinity. Studies using flight mill showed that the beetle can fly nearly 30km in maximum, and that positive phototaxis decrease after the flight, and response to host leaf volatiles increase after flight. Studies using olfactometer revealed that the beetle is attracted by host leaf volatiles, and is repelled by non-host leaf volatiles. Beetle preference was observed for volatiles from fresh leaves, not for volatiles from dried leaves. Laboratory experiments showed that the beetle recognize a crevice structure by its opening angle and bore hole at the bottom of crevice. Process of host selection by the beetle was discussed.



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increase the beetle attack probability. Analysis of the

distribution of attacked trees in a forest suggested that

beetles don’t disperse to the close vicinity. Studies using

flight mill showed that the beetle can fly nearly 30 km in

maximum, and that positive phototaxis decrease after the

flight, and response to host leaf volatiles increase after

flight. Studies using olfactometer revealed that the beetle

is attracted by host leaf volatiles, and is repelled by nonhost leaf volatiles. Beetle preference was observed for

volatiles from fresh leaves, not for volatiles from dried

leaves. Laboratory experiments showed that the beetle

recognize a crevice structure by its opening angle and

bore hole at the bottom of crevice. Process of host selection

by the beetle was discussed.

Keywords: dispersal, flight mill, host selection, Japanese

oak wilt, leaf volatile, olfactometer, Platypus quercivorus


Process of host selection by the ambrosia beetle

Platypus quercivorus, a fungal vector of Japanese

oak wilt

Michimasa Yamasaki

Laboratory of Forest Biology, Division of Forest and

Biomaterials Science, Graduate School of Agriculture,

Kyoto University

Ambrosia beetle Platypus quercivorus causes a mass

mortality of oak trees, Japanese oak wilt, by transporting

a pathogenic fungus from trees to trees. Clarifying the

ecology of the beetle is essential for the management of

this disease in a field. Field studies revealed that clumped

thick trees are attacked by the beetle in high probability,

and that canopy density of host is one of the factors which






