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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「捕食性カメムシ2種における波長選好性と害虫管理への応用」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。





荻野, 拓海 筑波大学 DOI:10.15068/00160463



The minute pirate bug Orius sauteri (Poppius) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) and the zoophytophagous plant bug Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter (Hemiptera: Miridae) are getting worldwide attention as an effective biological control agent based on integrated pest management, because they prey on various agricultural pests including thrips and whiteflies. Secondary plants, so-called insectary plants, are used to enhance the growth and reproduction of these natural enemies in Japan. To reinforce pest control-effect with these natural enemy insects, new strategy to selectively attract these species from secondary plants and retain onto cultivated crop in agricultural fields are needed. In this study, I focused on the photoresponse of insects to develop the new strategy for selective attraction and retention. As the first step to the development, I investigated spectral preference of O. sauter and N. tenuis using a six-arm arena equipped with six monochromatic LED lights: UV (365 nm), violet (405 nm), blue (450 nm), green (525 nm), orange (590 nm), and red (660 nm). As a result, a greater number of adult bugs chose violet light in both species. I assumed that violet light (405 nm) can selectively attract natural enemies, because this wavelength light differs from the spectral preference in most pest species. I next measured examined the daily distribution of O. sauteri activity and determined the illumination time appropriate for selective attraction of natural enemy. O. sauteri displayed a typical diurnal rhythm that peaked from 9 to 12 hours after sunrise, and the activity was remained for around 2 hours after sunset even in complete darkness. In N. tenuis, it is known the activity is crepuscular and become most active just after sunset. On the other hand, thrips and whiteflies are reported that they become inactive after sunset. Considering the avoidance of pest contamination by light, I assumed that the most efficient illumination time for natural enemy attraction is the 2 hours after sunset. Finally, I demonstrated the effects of violet light in the eggplant field (O. sauteri) and the tomato greenhouse (N. tenuis). For O. sauteri, the density was consistently higher in the illuminated plots; at least twice that of the non-illuminated fields. Simultaneously, the density of thrips declined markedly to less than half that of the non-illuminated plots. For N. tenuis, most bugs remained near banker plants in the non-illuminated plots, whereas bugs immediately dispersed from the plants and became uniformly distributed in the greenhouse. I identified three positive effects of violet light including an “attraction-effect” on predator attraction, a “persistent-effect” on predator reproduction and “dispersion- effect” on predator distribution from demonstration experiments with O. sauteri and N. tenuis. Based on these results, I conclude that the violet illumination is effective strategy for enhancements of attraction and retention of O. sauter and N. tenuis.



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