
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Short-Term Residence Abroad and its Effectiveness for Pre-Adolescent Second Language Learners」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Short-Term Residence Abroad and its Effectiveness for Pre-Adolescent Second Language Learners

狩野 萌 国際基督教大学



This dissertation investigates the impact of short-term residence abroad (RA) without formal study on L2 development in pre-adolescent learners. It explores: (1) how well pre-adolescents can narrate a story in an L2 after one month’s residence abroad, and
(2) how early learners must start to learn an L2 to benefit from a RA experience.

Fifty-five Japanese junior high school students (aged 12–14), who engaged in a one-month RA program in the United States or Canada, participated in this study. They were asked to tell in English the story in Mayer’s (1969) wordless picture book, Frog, where are you?, immediately before and after their experience abroad. The participants’ narrative performances were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Scores were obtained on the narrative data based on analyses of linguistic aspects (the total number and mean length of utterances, lexical and syntactic complexity) as well as story structure (plot elements). The quantitative analyses based on these scores reveal clear benefits of short-term residence abroad for increasing narrative ability at both the story structure and linguistic structure levels. The participants generally became able to describe more plot elements, producing more utterances and using a greater variety of vocabulary in their post-abroad narratives than in their pre-abroad ones.

The participants were divided into three groups according to whether they received High, Middle or Low scores in their post-story narratives to examine the changes in the ways they narrate the story in English before and after their stay abroad. Improvements were more drastic for the participants in the High and Middle groups than for those in the Low group (who generally scored lower in both story structure and linguistic structure measures in the pre-abroad sessions), indicating that learners may need a certain threshold level of proficiency for noticeable improvement in a RA context.

The qualitative analyses illustrated different patterns of development between the participants in the three groups. That is, while the participants generally became better at producing a narrative after being abroad, the High-group participants tended to construct a structurally and linguistically more complex story than the participants in the other two groups in the post-abroad sessions. Specifically, they became able to produce more elaborated descriptions not only by recounting the temporal and causal relations between the events but also by expressing the inferred feelings of the characters of the story.

Linguistically, the High-group participants started to compose grammatically complex sentences more frequently than the participants in the other two groups in their post-abroad narratives. However, not much change could be found in the participants’ morphosyntactic accuracy (e.g., inaccurate use of articles, verbs, and tense morphemes) after being abroad.

With regard to the second aim of this study, it was found that the participants who began learning English before age 5 tended to benefit more from their short experience abroad based on correlations between their narrative scores and when they started learning English. This suggests that the actual starting age of L2 learning may also contribute to L2 gains in a short-term RA context. Due to the small number of participants who were recruited from a unique RA program organized by an English language institution in Japan, the findings cannot be widely generalized. Nevertheless, the conclusion from this study remains that participating in a homestay for one month abroad without any formal study can enhance pre-adolescent learners’ oral narrative development in a target language, especially for children who begin learning their L2 before age 5. To gain more-in-depth and generalizable knowledge about age and L2 gains in short-term language immersion, more studies of learners with different starting ages and different RA programs are needed in the future.


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