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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Correlation between overall survival and surrogate endpoint in clinical trials for anticancer drugs considering tumor shrinkage」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Correlation between overall survival and surrogate endpoint in clinical trials for anticancer drugs considering tumor shrinkage

吉田 洋介 北里大学



Overall survival (OS) is the most reliable endpoint to assess clinical benefit of cancer patients. However, OS assessment generally requires a large sample size and long-term survival follow-up of patients. Although intermediate endpoints such as progression-free survival (PFS) and objective response rate (ORR) are broadly employed to assess drug efficacy and clinical benefit of patients earlier, none of them has been validated as a surrogate endpoint for OS. Endpoints originated from the concept of tumor shrinkage dynamics, such as early tumor shrinkage (ETS) and depth of response (DpR), were reported to be strongly associated with OS in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In addition, a combinatory endpoint of ETS and DpR with PFS showed a stronger correlation with OS compared to the correlations between OS and either ETS or DpR. Based on these findings, we conducted a research to investigate the impact of advantage in tumor response on the correlation between treatment effects on PFS and OS in clinical trials with CRC patients (Research 1) and NSCLC patients (Research 2).

Based on an electronic search, we identified randomized controlled trials of first-line therapy for CRC and NSCLC. The impact of advantage in ORR on the correlation between treatment effects on PFS and OS was evaluated based on Spearman correlation coefficients (rs).

In Research 1, forty-seven trials with a total of 24,018 patients were identified. The hazard ratio (HR) for PFS showed a relatively higher correlation with HR for OS (rs=0.63) when the trials were limited to those that demonstrated a larger difference in ORR, compared to the case for trials that demonstrated a smaller difference (rs=0.32). This tendency was also observed in the subgroup analysis stratified by the types of treatment agents (targeted or non-targeted).

In Research 2, sixty trials with a total of 29,134 patients were identified. The HR for PFS showed a relatively higher correlation with HR for OS (rs=0.75) when the trials were limited to those demonstrated a larger advantage in ORR, compared to the case for trials that demonstrated a smaller advantage (rs=0.66). This tendency was also observed in the subgroup analysis stratified by the types of treatment agents (non-targeted,
anti-angiogenic, and immunotherapy) except for the group of EGFR-targeted agents.

The magnitude of advantage in tumor response was suggested to contribute to a better prediction of OS benefit based on PFS in either patients with CRC or with NSCLC. The accuracy of OS estimation in these patients is expected to be improved by considering the degree of tumor shrinkage in conjunction with PFS.



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