
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「CLASSIFICATION OF CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS BASED ON THE CORRELATION BETWEEN IN VITRO GENE EXPRESSION PROFILES」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。





Takeshita, Jun-ichi 竹下, 潤一 タケシタ, ジュンイチ Toyoda, Akinobu 豊田, 章倫 トヨダ, アキノブ Tani, Hidenori 谷, 英典 タニ, ヒデノリ Endo, Yasunori 遠藤, 靖典 エンドウ, ヤスノリ Miyamoto, Sadaaki 宮本, 定明 ミヤモト, サダアキ 九州大学



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J. Takeshita, A. Toyoda,H. Tani, Y. Endo, and S. Miyamoto

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Received: March 3, 2021

Revised: May 13, 2021

Accept: May 21, 2021

Classification of compounds based on in vitro gene expression profiles

Dissimilality measures


The nine chemicals in duplicate

Figure 1: A dendrogram obtained by applying aggregative hierarchical clustering (the

average linkage between the merged groups) to the data of the gene expression ratios

for the nine compounds and 32,586 RNAs. The y-axis marks the dissimilarity measures

at which the clusters merge, and the x-axis the distribution of the nine compounds in


J. Takeshita, A. Toyoda,H. Tani, Y. Endo, and S. Miyamoto

Dissimilality measures


The nine chemicals in duplicate

Figure 2: A dendrogram obtained by applying aggregative hierarchical clustering (the

average linkage between the merged groups) to the data of the gene expression levels

for the nine compounds and 32,586 RNAs. The y-axis marks the dissimilarity measures

at which the clusters merge, and the x-axis the distribution of the nine compounds in



Dissimilarity measures

Dissimilarity measures

Classification of compounds based on in vitro gene expression profiles

The nine compounds in duplicate

(a) α = 0.0

(b) α = 0.1

Dissimilarity measures

Dissimilarity measures

The nine compounds in duplicate

The nine compounds in duplicate

The nine compounds in duplicate

(c) α = 0.2

(d) α = 0.3

Figure 3: Four dendrograms obtained by applying aggregative hierarchical clustering

(the average linkage between the merged groups) to the data of the gene expression

ratios for the nine compounds and 3, 000 extracted RNAs. The upper-left (a), upperright (b), lower-left (c) and lower-right (d) panels are the cases of α = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, and

0.3, respectively. In each panel, the y-axis marks the dissimilarity measures at which

the clusters merge, and the x-axis the distribution of the nine compounds in duplicate.

Dissimilarity measures

J. Takeshita, A. Toyoda,H. Tani, Y. Endo, and S. Miyamoto

Dissimilarity measures


The nine compounds in duplicate

(a) α = 0.0

(b) α = 0.1

Dissimilarity measures

Dissimilarity measures

The nine compounds in duplicate

The nine compounds in duplicate

The nine compounds in duplicate

(c) α = 0.2

(d) α = 0.3

Figure 4: Four dendrograms obtained by applying aggregative hierarchical clustering

(the average linkage between the merged groups) to the data of the gene expression

ratios for the nine compounds and 1, 000 extracted RNAs. The upper-left (a), upperright (b), lower-left (c) and lower-right (d) panels are the cases of α = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, and

0.3, respectively. In each panel, the y-axis marks the dissimilarity measures at which

the clusters merge, and the x-axis the distribution of the nine compounds in duplicate.


Dissimilarity measures

Dissimilarity measures

Classification of compounds based on in vitro gene expression profiles

The nine compounds in duplicate

(a) α = 0.0

(b) α = 0.1

Dissimilarity measures

Dissimilarity measures

The nine compounds in duplicate

The nine compounds in duplicate

The nine compounds in duplicate

(c) α = 0.2

(d) α = 0.3

Figure 5: Four dendrograms obtained by applying aggregative hierarchical clustering

(the average linkage between the merged groups) to the data of the gene expression

ratios for the nine compounds and 100 extracted RNAs. The upper-left (a), upper-right

(b), lower-left (c) and lower-right (d) panels are the cases of α = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3,

respectively. In each panel, the y-axis marks the dissimilarity measures at which the

clusters merge, and the x-axis the distribution of the nine compounds in duplicate.


J. Takeshita, A. Toyoda,H. Tani, Y. Endo, and S. Miyamoto

Figure 6: Scatter plot of all the RNAs (32, 586 RNAs) between the sample 1 and 2

in case of bis-phthalate. The red plots indicate the 1, 000 extracted RNAs in case of

α = 0.0, and the blue plots are the rest RNAs. The sizes of the extracted RNAs are

almost zeros.

Figure 7: Scatter plot of all the RNAs (32, 586 RNAs) between the sample 1 and 2

in case of bis-phthalate. The red plots indicate the 1, 000 extracted RNAs in case of

α = 0.2, and the blue plots are the rest RNAs. The number of RNAs whose sizes are

not zeros increase, compared to the case of α = 0.0.




