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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「MIG-seq is an effective method for high-throughput genotyping in wheat (Triticum spp.)」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




MIG-seq is an effective method for high-throughput genotyping in wheat (Triticum spp.)

Nishimura, Kazusa Motoki, Ko Yamazaki, Akira Takisawa, Rihito Yasui, Yasuo Kawai, Takashi Koichiro, Ushijima Nakano, Ryohei Nakazaki, Tetsuya 京都大学 DOI:10.1093/dnares/dsac011



MIG-seq (Multiplexed inter-simple sequence repeats genotyping by sequencing) has been developed as a low cost genotyping technology, although the number of polymorphisms obtained is assumed to be minimal, resulting in the low application of this technique to analyses of agricultural plants. We applied MIG-seq to 12 plant species that include various crops and investigated the relationship between genome size and the number of bases that can be stably sequenced. The genome size and the number of loci, which can be sequenced by MIG-seq, are positively correlated. This is due to the linkage between genome size and the number of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) through the genome. The applicability of MIG-seq to population structure analysis, linkage mapping, and quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis in wheat, which has a relatively large genome, was further evaluated. The results of population structure analysis for tetraploid wheat showed the differences among collection sites and subspecies, which agreed with previous findings. Additionally, in wheat biparental mapping populations, over 3, 000 SNPs/indels with low deficiency were detected using MIG-seq, and the QTL analysis was able to detect recognized flowering-related genes. These results revealed the effectiveness of MIG-seq for genomic analysis of agricultural plants with large genomes, including wheat.



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map was significantly high but the total length of the genetic map

was extremely longer than that constructed from non-GBS based

markers53; over 800 cM for each chromosome.9 It is reasonable to

assume that this is not 800 cM, but error data. In this study, the linkage map was longer in the F2 population than in the F6:7 RILs, although the effect of having different parents in the F2 population and

the F6:7 RILs had to be considered. This is because the F2 population

has more heterozygous loci than the F6:7 RILs (Supplementary Fig.

S8 and Data S1 and S2). If only reads from one parent chromosome

were sequenced by chance, the locus would become homozygous,

causing false double recombination. Double recombination, in which

a heterozygote is inserted into a chromosomal region with a homozygous genotype was also observed (Supplementary Fig. S8 and Data

S1 and S2). This could be due to sequencing errors, such as the false

detection of fluorescence or index hopping in the sequencing step. In

fact, in the hypothetical F1 data generated using the F2 parental line

data, the error rate (error in which a genotype that should be heterozygous is determined to be homozygous) did not become zero even

when the number of reads was increased to 6 million. Therefore, it is

necessary to consider that a certain amount of error is always included in the analysis. In the case of QTL analysis, such as this study,

a small amount of error data will not have a significant impact on

the results of the analysis. However, more accurate genotype information may be required to determine the order of scaffolds in the de

novo assembly of the genome. Since the cost of creating a library for

MIG-seq is low, it is possible to increase the number of reads to be

acquired and call genotypes or to sequence each strain multiple times

and use only the data that match multiple times.

In this study, a clear distortion of the segregation ratio on chromosome 5B was also observed in the linkage map of F6:7 RILs, which

was also observed in our previous study (Nishimura et al.49), where

the F5 population derived from cross between TN26 and TN28 was

genotyped using SSR markers (Supplementary Data S4). Therefore,

it is not considered a bias caused by the MIG-seq method.

In this study, we discovered that genome size is associated with

the number of bases that can be sequenced by MIG-seq, and as a result, a relatively large number of SNPs can be detected in wheat.

Genotyping data with over 3,000 markers and a low defective rate

could be obtained without precise normalization of DNA concentration between emmer wheat and durum wheat, and the possibility of

constructing a linkage map of more than 1,000 markers with many

tetraploid wheat combinations was shown. These results show that

MIG-seq can be used for high-throughput genotyping of wheat.

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