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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Multi-k spin ordering in CaFe₃Ti₄O₁₂ stabilized by spin-orbit coupling and further-neighbor exchange」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Multi-k spin ordering in CaFe₃Ti₄O₁₂ stabilized by spin-orbit coupling and further-neighbor exchange

Amano Patino, Midori Denis Romero, Fabio Goto, Masato Saito, Takashi Orlandi, Fabio Manuel, Pascal Szabó, Attila Kayser, Paula Hong, Ka H. Alharbi, Khalid N. Attfield, J. Paul Shimakawa, Yuichi 京都大学 DOI:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.3.043208



Orthogonal spin ordering is rarely observed in magnetic oxides because nearest-neighbor symmetric Heisenberg superexchange interactions usually dominate. We have discovered that in the quadruple perovskite CaFe₃Ti₄O₁₂, where only the S = 2 Fe²⁺ ion is magnetic, long-range magnetic order consisting of an unusual arrangement of three interpenetrating orthogonal sublattices is stabilized. Each magnetic sublattice corresponds to a set of FeO₄ square planes sharing a common orientation. This multi-k magnetic spin ordering is the result of fourth-neighbor spin couplings with a strong easy-axis anisotropy. In an applied magnetic field, each sublattice tends towards ferromagnetic alignment, but remains polarized by internal magnetic fields generated by the others, thus stabilizing in a noncollinear canted ferromagnetic structure. CaFe₃Ti₄O₁₂ provides a rare example of how nontrivial long-range spin order can arise when near-neighbor Heisenberg superexchange is quenched.



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