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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Effects of long-term childhood exercise and detraining on lipid accumulation in metabolic-related organs」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Effects of long-term childhood exercise and detraining on lipid accumulation in metabolic-related organs

Nguyen Son Tien 広島大学



Childhood obesity is globally on the rise and carried over to adulthood. Obese children have a higher risk of developing metabolic disorders later in life. Interventions for obesity include diet, exercise, and medical treatments, and those are proven effective on preventing and treating. However especially in exercise, obese children tend to have trouble adhering to a continual exercise program. Therefore, discontinuation of exercise could induce a detraining effect, which may negatively impact children’s metabolic health. In obese adults, after cessation of exercise, lipid accumulations in the whole body appear to partially or completely attenuate the effectiveness of the previous exercise. Lipid accumulation during the detraining period occurs in the main lipid supply organs, such as the intra-abdominal white adipose tissue (WAT), brown adipose tissue (BAT), and liver. Moreover, lipid accumulation in organs increases insulin resistance, which is similar to a vicious cycle. However, information regarding lipid accumulation in children with obesity undergoing detraining is limited. Therefore, we conducted this study with the aim of evaluating the effect of early long-term regular exercise and detraining on the prevention of childhood obesity through fat accumulations in metabolic-related organs.

Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rat is an obesity model characterized by hyperphagia due to the loss of cholecystokinin receptor-1 in the dorsomedial hypothalamus, leading to decreased satiety. The natural progression of obesity and obesity-related metabolic complications in OLETF rats reflects human childhood obesity, leading to metabolic health problems in adulthood. Therefore, in our study, four- week-old male OLETF and Long-Evans Tokushima Otsuka rats were employed as obese and non-obese control groups. OLETF rats were assigned to sedentary and exercise groups. The exercise group performed wheel running from 4 to 12 week-old (i.e, childhood period) and detraining from 12 to 20 week-old (i.e, transition period from childhood to adulthood).

At 12-week-old immediately after the exercise period, regular exercise completely inhibited hyperphagia, obesity, enlarged pancreatic islets, lipid accumulation and lobular inflammation in the liver, hypertrophied adipocytes in the WAT, and BAT whitening in OLETF rats. In addition, exercise attenuated the decrease in the ratio of muscle wet weight to body weight associated with obesity. Decreased food consumption was maintained during the detraining period, which inhibited obesity and diabetes at 20-week-old after the detraining period. Histologically, childhood exercise inhibited the enlargement of pancreatic islets after the detraining period. In addition, inhibition of lipid accumulation was completely maintained in the WAT and BAT after the detraining period. However, the effectiveness was only partially successful in lipid accumulation and inflammation in the liver. The ratio of muscle wet weight to body weight was maintained after detraining.

In conclusion, early long-term regular exercise effectively prevents obesity and diabetes in childhood, and its effectiveness can be tracked later in life. The present study suggests the importance of exercise during childhood and adolescence to inhibit hyperphagia-induced lipid accumulation in metabolic-related organs in adulthood despite exercise cessation.


Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF)ラットは、背内側視床下部のコレシストキニン受容体-1欠損による満腹感低下によって過食症がもたらされる特徴を有する肥満モデル動物です。OLETFラットにおける肥満および肥満関連の代謝性合併症の自然進行は、ヒトの小児肥満を反映しており、成人期の代謝の健康面に問題となります。したがって、我々の研究では、開始時4週齢の雄OLETFおよびLong-Evans Tokushima Otsukaラットを肥満および非肥満の対照群としました。OLETFラットは、運動群と非運動群に分けました。運動グループは、4~12週齢( 小児期に相当) から輪車運動を行い、12〜20週齢( 成人期への移行期に相当) に脱訓練を設定しました。





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