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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Isolation and taxonomy study of unexplored microbial resource Ktedonobacteria for discovery of novel bioactive compounds」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Isolation and taxonomy study of unexplored microbial resource Ktedonobacteria for discovery of novel bioactive compounds

Zheng Yu 東北大学



In this study, in Chapter 2, I 1) successfully isolated seven novel Ktedonobacteria strains from "Tengu-no-mugimeshi", Mt. Zao, and Onikobe geothermal area; and formally proposed one novel family, one novel genus, seven novel species. Moreover, two novel families, two novel genera, and four novel species are prepared to propose in future, thus significantly expanded this class and determined it as an unique bacterial lineage in the phylum Chloroflexi; 2) successfully isolated one of the predominate bacteria (Ktedonobacteria) from "Tengu-no-mugimeshi", thus may contribute to the regeneration and preservation of the eatable soil; and 3) reported the first discovery of sporangiospores formation by D. aurantiacus S27T, thus may have important values on the studies of bacterial evolution and cell differentiation.

In Chapter 3, I 1) performed whole genome sequencing for 18 Ktedonobacteria strains and observed huge genome size, mixture of both circular and linear genomes, and putative "mega-plasmid" in the genomes of Ktedonobacteria; thus enabled the further characterization of Ktedonobacteria genomes; and 2) identified large numbers of novel secondary metabolite BGCs and CAZymes in 23 available Ktedonobacteria genomes, thus determined the secondary metabolites biosynthetic and biomass cellulolytic potential of the class via in silico analysis.

In Chapter 4, I 1) screened the in vitro antimicrobial activity of six representative Ktedonobacteria strains, thus revealed a broad-spectrum antibacterial activity of the class; and 2) successfully isolated the novel anthraquinone compound COM1 from Ts. hazakensis COM3, thus represented the first bioactive compounds discovered from the class.

In Chapter 5, I 1) identified a 72.47-kbp type II PKS gene cluster from Ts. hazakensis COM3 that was proposed to be the biosynthesis (COM1) gene cluster of COM1; and 2) attempted to apply a TAR-based approach to direct clone and express the COM1 gene cluster.



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