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大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる 「Localized laccase activity modulates distribution of lignin polymers in gymnosperm compression wood」の論文概要。リケラボ論文検索は、全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索できる論文検索サービスです。




Localized laccase activity modulates distribution of lignin polymers in gymnosperm compression wood

Hiraide, Hideto Tobimatsu, Yuki Yoshinaga, Arata Lam, Pui Ying Kobayashi, Masaru Matsushita, Yasuyuki Fukushima, Kazuhiko Takabe, Keiji 京都大学 DOI:10.1111/nph.17264



The woody stems of coniferous gymnosperms produce specialised compression wood to adjust the stem growth orientation in response to gravitropic stimulation. During this process, tracheids develop a compression-wood-specific S2L cell wall layer with lignins highly enriched with p-hydroxyphenyl (H)-type units derived from H-type monolignol, whereas lignins produced in the cell walls of normal wood tracheids are exclusively composed of guaiacyl (G)-type units from G-type monolignol with a trace amount of H-type units. We show that laccases, a class of lignin polymerisation enzymes, play a crucial role in the spatially organised polymerisation of H-type and G-type monolignols during compression wood formation in Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa). We performed a series of chemical-probe-aided imaging analysis on C. obtusa compression wood cell walls, together with gene expression, protein localisation and enzymatic assays of C. obtusa laccases. Our data indicated that CoLac1 and CoLac3 with differential oxidation activities towards H-type and G-type monolignols were precisely localised to distinct cell wall layers in which H-type and G-type lignin units were preferentially produced during the development of compression wood tracheids. We propose that, not only the spatial localisation of laccases, but also their biochemical characteristics dictate the spatial patterning of lignin polymerisation in gymnosperm compression wood.



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