
リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

リケラボ 全国の大学リポジトリにある学位論文・教授論文を一括検索するならリケラボ論文検索大学・研究所にある論文を検索できる

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飛松, 省三 TOBIMATSU, Shozo トビマツ, ショウゾウ 九州大学 DOI:https://doi.org/10.15017/4068636



The neocortex of the human brain is highly developed compared with those of the other mammals. For instance, the logarithm of human brain weight is non-linear to the logarithm of body weight. Human ha



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Yamasaki T, Goto Y, Ohyagi Y, Monji A, Munetsuna S, Minohara M, Minohara K, Kira JI, Kanba S and

Tobimatsu S : Selective impairment of optic flow perception in amnestic mild cognitive impairment : evidence

from event-related potentials. J Alzheimerʼs Dis. 28 : 695-708, 2012.

Yamasaki T, Horie S, Ohyagi Y, Tanaka E, Nakamura N, Goto Y, Kanba S, Kira JI, and Tobimatsu S : A

potential VEP biomarker for mild cognitive impairment : Evidence from selective deficit of higher-level dorsal

pathway. J Alzheimerʼs Dis. 53 : 661-676, 2016.

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飛松省三:認知症の電気生理学的早期診断バイオマーカー.分子精神医学 18:185-187,2018.

Maekawa T, Tobimatsu S, Inada N, Oribe N, Onitsuka T, Kanba S and Kamio Y : Top-down and bottom-up

visual information processing of non-social stimuli in high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. Res Autism

Spectr Disord. 5 : 201-209, 2011.

Fujita T, Yamasaki T, Kamio Y, Hirose S and Tobimatsu S. Parvocellular pathway impairment in autism

spectrum disorder : Evidence from visual evoked potentials. Res Autism Spectr Disord 5 : 277-285, 2011.

Fujita T, Kamio Y, Yamasaki T, Yasumoto S, Hirose S and Tobimatsu S : Altered automatic face processing in

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Yamasaki T, Fujita T, Ogata K, Goto Y, Munetsuna S, Kamio Y and Tobimatsu S : Electrophysiological

evidence for selective impairment of optic flow perception in autism spectrum disorder. Res Autism Spectr

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Yamasaki T, Maekawa T, Miyanaga Y, Takahashi K, Takamiya N, Ogata K and Tobimatsu S : Enhanced

fine-form perception does not contribute to gestalt face perception in autism spectrum disorder. PLoS ONE

2017 Feb 1 ; 12(2) : e0170239.

Yamasaki T, Maekawa T, Fujita T and Tobimatsu S : Connectopathy in autism spectrum disorders : A review

of evidence from visual evoked potentials and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. Front Neurosci. 09

November 2017.



飛松 省三(とびまつ しょうぞう)


◆略歴 1955 年生まれ.1979 年九州大学医学部卒業.九州大学医学部附属病院研修医を経て 1983

年九州大学医学部脳研神経内科助手.1985 年医学博士(九州大学).同年シカゴ・ロヨラ大

学医学部神経内科客員研究員.1987 年九州大学医学部脳研生理助手.1991 年脳研臨床神

経生理講師.1999 年九州大学大学院医学系研究科脳研臨床神経生理教授.2000 年九州大

学大学院医学研究院脳研臨床神経生理教授.2020 年より現職.

◆研究テーマ 非侵襲的脳機能計測法を用いたヒトの感覚・運動情報処理機構の解析,高次脳機能

の脳内基盤の解明 .

◆趣味 水泳,食べ歩き


Unlocking the Mysteries of the Human Brain


Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Neurological Institute,

Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University


The neocortex of the human brain is highly developed compared with those of the other mammals.

For instance, the logarithm of human brain weight is non-linear to the logarithm of body weight.

Human has specialized brain areas that process the face and language. To unlock the complex

functions of the human brain, it is necessary to explore the human brain non-invasively. So far,

high-density electroencephalo-graphy (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG) and functional

magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) are available in the field of Clinical Neurophysiology.

More than 25% of information from the real world is processed by the visual system. Human visual

system consists of multiple, parallel channels which process different information, and each channel

constitutes a set of sequential processes. There are two major visual streams ; The magnocellular (M)

and parvocellular (P) pathways. The M pathway is fast conducting and specialized for processing

transient information. Thus, the M pathway is most sensitive to stimuli with low spatial and high

temporal frequencies and provides information on motion and stereopsis. The P pathway is more

sensitive to higher spatial and lower temporal frequencies and processes color information and face


Once the functions of the parallel visual pathways are disrupted or modulated by the disease

pathology, higher cognitive functions are significantly altered. My interest is to solve the mystery of

the human brain with scientific approach. Thus, I have been studying the mechanisms of the

neuropsychiatric diseases. Accordingly, the possible pathophysiological mechanisms of chromatic

sensitive epilepsy, mild cognitive impairment and autism spectrum disorder have been established in

terms of the altered parallel visual processing.

Key words : Electrodiagnosis, Parallel visual pathways, Optimal visual stimuli, Evoked potentials,

Neuropsychiatric diseases




